- Saturday, August 11, 2018, 17:26
- Property Insurance
Bagaimana meng-underwrite risiko asuransi harta benda?
Underwriting is not about pricing. Underwriting is a risk selection. Price will not make a poor risk become a good risk. How to Underwrite is how to select a good quality risk with appropriate terms and conditions
The policy terms and pricing for a risk will be a reflection of your underwriting judgement on the ...
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Full story- Sunday, August 3, 2008, 14:14
- Property Claim
Silakan Klik disini, Untuk membaca versi bahasa Indonesianya
It is important to note that when the correct claim procedures are followed by an Insured, it can greatly assist in the smooth and prompt settlement of claim. When claim procedures are not adhered to it can cause delays in settlement and in some circumstances, could allow Insurers to deny the claim.
In particular, we will examine:
(a) How the incident should be reported to THE INSURANCE COMPANY
(b) What immediate action should be taken
(c) What information THE INSURANCE COMPANY will require you to provide to substantiate the claim
Please assure that you follow these procedures:
Full story - Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:48
- Business, Property Claim
Please click here to read its English version
Adalah hal penting untuk diketahui bahwa apabila klien melakukan prosedur klaim yang benar, hal tersebut dapat sangat membantu menyelesaikan klaim secara lancar dan cepat. Apabila prosedur klaim tersebut tidak dilakukan, dapat menyebabkan penundaan penyelesaian klaim dan dalam keadaan tertentu, dapat menyebabkan pihak asuransi menolak klaim.
Secara khusus, dalam proses klaim kami akan membahas:
(a) Bagaimana suatu kejadian harus dilaporkan kepada Perusahaan Asuransi
(b) Tindakan apa yang harus segera dilakukan
(c) Informasi apa yang diperlukan oleh Perusahaan Asuransi untuk mendukung pengajuan klaim Anda
Mohon pastikan bahwa Anda melakukan prosedur klaim dibawah ini:
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