Banyak rekan yang meminta wordings polis D&O Liability karena perusahaan asuransi tempatnya bekerja tidak punya wordings polisnya. Berbeda dengan polis-polis standar seperti polis asuransi harta benda yang menggunakan IAR Munich Re wordings, atau ISR Mark IV wordings, atau polis asuransi kapal yang menggunakan ITCH (Institute Time Clauses – Hulls), Polis D&O Liability adalah tailored-policies dimana setiap perusahaan membuat wordings polisnya sendiri, ...
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Seperti yang kita ketahui di dalam suatu Perseroan Terbatas (“Perseroan”) terdapat organ-organ
Full story Entity cover for Critical Occurrence: Cover is available for the company for the cost of engaging a public relations consultant to mitigate damage should the company suffer a drastic fall in its share price within 24 hours due to prescribed events.
Full story- Monday, January 10, 2011, 13:06
- Directors & Officers (D&O)
Features of QBE Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance Policy
Wide definition of Insured person, which includes past, present and future directors (including de facto, alternate or shadow directors), officers, secretary and employees in a managerial or supervisory capacity.
Full story- Thursday, March 25, 2010, 23:15
- Directors & Officers (D&O)
versi bahasa Indonesia, klik disini
“Potential litigation or prosecution risks faced by associations today can not be ignored…”
do your clients need protection?
Full story “People who run companies today can be held ‘personally liable’ for company performance”
Directors and Officers can now be personally sued by:
Full story “People who run companies today can be held ‘personally liable’ for company performance”
English version, click here
Direktur, Officer dan Komisaris butuh “D&O”?
Ø Tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas yang besar: Direktur dan Komisaris dapat dituntut secara pribadi oleh
Full story Kasus Bank Century telah mengguncang dunia politik dan ekonomi di Indonesia, tidak saja menghancurkan “Bank Century” semata namun juga menyeret pemegang kekuasaan moneter dan fiscal seperti Bank Indonesia, Kementrian Keuangan, LPS, BPK, PPATK, DPR, Partai Politik, Gayatri dan kawan-kawannya,
Full story It cover
Director or Officer against any actual or alleged wrongful act or omission including any misstatement, misrepresentation, breach of trust, breach of duty or breach of warranty of authority committed by an Insured Person (Director or Officer or Commissioner) including (1) compensatory damages awarded against the company directors and officers, (2) out-of-court settlements, (3) defense costs and expenses, and (4) costs of appointing legal expertise.
D&O provides covers for……………
• Civil Proceedings
• Employee Actions
• Prospectus Liability
• Official Investigations and Inquiries
• Successful Defense of Criminal Proceedings
• Outside Directorships (optional Extension)
Full story Please click here to read its English version
(Why) Mengapa Direktur dan Komisaris butuh D&O Liability?
• Tanggung Jawab dan Akuntabilitas yang besar
Direktur dan Komisaris dapat dituntut secara pribadi oleh pemegang saham, kreditur, nasabah, karyawan maupun oleh masyarakat umum secara luas
• Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat semakin tinggi
Masyarakat secara individu maupun secara kelompok atau perusahaan semakin sadar akan hak-hak mereka secara hukum, oleh karenanya mereka semakin sadar untuk menuntut hak-hak atau kerugian yang terjadi melalui pendadilan
• Meningkatnya Pengawasan maupun Peraturan
Pengawasan maupun Peraturan yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah maupun Industri semakin ketat, Biaya pengacara, biaya berperkara di pengadilan pastinya kan menjadi sangat mahal.
(What?) Apa yang dijamin dalam Directors and Officers Liability (D&O)
D&O menjamin Direktur, Komisaris dan Karyawan akibat suatu tindakan wrongful act
Full story Untuk membaca versi bahasa Indonesianya, silakan klik disini
(Why) do Directors and Officers need D&O Liability?
• Increased Personal Responsibility
Directors and Officers can now be personally sued by shareholders, creditors, customers, employees and members of the public
• Increased Litigation
As individuals and companies become more aware of their rights, they are increasingly turning to litigation to cover loss
• Increased Regulation
Company affairs are coming under increasing scrutiny from Government and Industry regulatory bodies. The costs of legal representation during such investigations can be significant, regardless of whether court action follows
(What?) does Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (D&O)
It cover Director or Officer against wrongful act
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