- Monday, September 10, 2012, 20:23
- General Insurance, Life Insurance
Perusahaan asuransi syariah dan perusahaan asuransi yang memiliki unit syariah di Indonesia yaitu :
Asuransi Umum
Full story- Monday, January 16, 2012, 21:18
- General Insurance
Tahun 2011 ditandai dengan munculnya Perusahaan-perusahaan asuransi baru, baik yang berganti nama, akuisisi atau penyertaan modal
Full story- Friday, January 7, 2011, 17:45
- General Insurance
PT. Asuransi QBE Pool Indonesia adalah bagian dari QBE Insurance Group, perusahaan asuransi dan reasuransi kerugian internasional yang beroperasi di 47 negara. QBE Group menyediakan beraneka jaminan asuransi kerugian dan merupakan 25 besar perusahaan asurasi dan reasuransi dunia.
Full story - Friday, April 24, 2009, 16:05
- General Insurance
General Insurance Company (Perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian)
Joint Venture – General Insurance Company
Perusahaan Asuransi Patungan
PT. ACE INA Insurance (ACE) PT. ACE INA Insurance is part of the ACE Group of Companies, one of the world's largest providers of property and casualty insurance, reinsurance, and other financial services. Established in 1985, Now with a financial strength rating A+ from both Standard and Poor's and AM Best, ACE has grown from strength to strength. Today, the ACE Group of Companies has a local presence in more than 50 countries, insuring a broad range of local and multinational corporations.
PT. Asuransi Kurnia Insurance Indonesia (Kurnia) PT. Asuransi Aegis Indonesia is the new name of erstwhile local insurer, PT. Asuransi Hastin Utama, which started business way back in 1988. The joint-venture business license was obtained in March 2000 (Ministry of Finance letter no. S.085/MK.17/2000) and the change of name to PT. Kurnia Insurance Indonesia (KII) on 7th May 2007. KII is a subsidiary of Kurnia Asia Berhad (KAB), a public listed company in Malaysia and the parent company of Kurnia Insurans Malaysia Berhad (KIMB), the largest general insurer in Malaysia.
Full story- Monday, April 13, 2009, 11:34
- General Insurance
PT. Asuransi Adira Dinamika (Adira) Founded in 2002 and managed by a group of professionals with extensive experience and expertise in the field of insurance and automotive, PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika (Adira Insurance), a general insurance company, focuses its early years on the Motor Vehicle insurance business, and developing Non Motor Vehicle insurance products in recent years
Full story - Sunday, April 12, 2009, 13:09
- General Insurance
PT. Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Asei) ASEI Insurance's objective is to promote and support Government of Indonesia's agenda in national economic development in general, and to aid non-oil and gas export development program within the insurance and guarantee business sector. ASEI also motivates banking industry to channeling their credit portfolio to real sector including the exporters. Moreover, ASEI will cover the insured from asset liability and protect the Obligee (Project Owner) from unfinished project development by the Principal (Contractor).
Full story - Sunday, April 12, 2009, 12:53
- General Insurance
PT. ACE INA Insurance (ACE) PT. ACE INA Insurance is part of the ACE Group of Companies, one of the world's largest providers of property and casualty insurance, reinsurance, and other financial services. Established in 1985, Now with a financial strength rating A+ from both Standard and Poor's and AM Best, ACE has grown from strength to strength. Today, the ACE Group of Companies has a local presence in more than 50 countries, insuring a broad range of local and multinational corporations.
Full story - Friday, August 15, 2008, 9:59
- General Insurance
First Class Insurers recommended Pemilihan ini adalah didasarkan pada pendapat “subjektif” penulis seperti yang disampaikan dalam artikel
Tips Ber-asuransi yang Benar dan Memilih Perusahaan Asuransi yang Baik terutama berdasarkan info market, kemampuan membayar klaim dan proses yang tidak jelimet, expertise dan produk Asuransi yang tidak traditional dan laporan keuangan.
PT Asuransi QBE Pool Indonesia
QBE adalah perusahaan Asuransi terbesar di Australia berdiri sejak 1886 beroperasi di 44 negara dan salah satu terbesar di dunia. QBE Pool adalah joint venture QBE Group dengan PT Pool Advista Indonesia pada tanggal 22 September 1994.
details visit web
PT Asuransi ALLIANZ Utama Indonesia
Allianz merupakan salah satu perusahaan terbesar yang berada di banyak tempat di dunia, bergerak dibidang layanan Asuransi perbankan dan manajemen asset. Allianz berdiri pada tahun 1890 di Jerman. Pada tahun 1986 Allianz mendirikan perusahaan Asuransi umum PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia.
details visit web
PT Asuransi AIU Indonesia
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) adalah salah satu perusahaan Asuransi terbesar di dunia yang beroperasi di lebih dari 130 negara yang merupakan perusahaan dengan jaringan international tersbesar dalam Asuransi kerugian dan Asuransi jiwa.
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