Banyak orang tidak mempercayai industri pelayaran rentan terhadap risiko cyber, tapi dengan fakta 90% perdagangan dunia melalui laut, maka industri pelayaran merupakan salah satu target utama serangan cyber.
Dampak risiko cyber sering diremehkan padahal skala kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari serangan cyber cukup luas, termasuk kerusakan fisik properti, cidera tubuh & kerugian reputasi, juga kerugian yang lebih nyata seperti ...
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Our CDS solution provides protection against third party liability arising from unauthorised access to your systems. In addition, we also provide first party protection as outlined below. The cover provided is supported by global reputable Cyber emergency service providers which QBE has partnered with to ensure a smooth and professional handling of the Cyber incidents and claims.
Scope of Cover – Third Party
Cyber, data security ...
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“Any professional providing information & communication technology (ICT) is exposed to ‘professional indemnity’ nature”
Tidak ada perusahaan yang bisa maju dan berkembang dewasa ini tanpa penguasaan ICT (Information & Communication Technology).
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Technology E&O – “Internet Content” – A health system accidentally posted the medical records of thousands of patients on the Internet. A class action suit was filed for alleged emotional distress of the effected patients.
Loss: The class action seeks damages in excess of $10 million and the federal government has notified the system to prepare for an investigation under HIPAA.
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