- Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 17:46
- Comprehensive Project (CPI)
Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance
CAR_pol Contractors All Risk...
Full story Erection All Risks (EAR) Insurance
EAR pol.pdf Erecion All Risks Policy
AloP Section.pdf Advanced Loss of Profit
EAR Clauses
Full story Aero Engine Insurance
wordings, please download here:
Aero Engine Ins pol.pdf Full story Boiler & Pressure Vessel Policy
wordings, Please download here:
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Pol.pdf Full story- Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 13:51
- Machinery Insurance
Machinery Insurance
What can be insured?
All types of machinery, apparatus, electrical equipment and technical plant can be covered under machinery insurance, such as power generating units (boilers, turbines, generators, gas turbines), power distribution plant (transformers, high- and low-voltage switchgear), production machinery and technical plant and equipment (machine tools, weaving looms, paper machines, kneaders, pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, tanks, apparatus, piping, etc.)
Claims under machinery insurance mostly arise from one of the following causes:
Full story Comprehensive machinery (CM) insurance
Section 1 . Operational material damage
Section 2 . Operational business interruption
Comprehensive machinery (CM) insurance – Endorsements
Full story- Sunday, December 20, 2009, 22:21
- Machinery Insurance
The trend in recent years has shown that more and more insureds are looking for “all risks” cover. Demand for classic “all risks” insurance with different independent policies is falling in the market as it offers insufficient clarity as far as gaps in cover and overlapping cover are concerned.
Main features of comprehensive machinery insurance
The new policy offers “all risks” cover of a predominantly engineering nature, particularly against machinery breakdown, fire, lightning and chemical explosion, as well as natural perils for the entire insured plant, with only a few property exclusions and excluded perils. In addition, optional business interruption cover can also be granted in respect of loss of profits, including increased cost of working, or in respect of specified standing charges (Section 2 of the policy). The cover is clearly described and easy to understand thanks to its structured content and layout. Important definitions are given at the beginning. The scope of cover is up to date and comprehensive, and can be adapted to the specific features of a risk by means of a series of clauses.
Full story Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI) covers your electronic equipment or electrical machinery or installation such as medical equipments or ICT against all risks subject to
EEI – Munich Re Wordings. It covers loss or damage due to fire, electrical breakdown, riots, strikes, flood, typhoon, storm or other accidental damage.
Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI) provides cover for Material Damage, External Data Media and Increased Cost of Working
Full story Contractors’ Plant & Equipment (CPE) Insurance covers your heavy equipment, plant and machinery against all risks subject to
CPE – Munich Re Wordings. It covers equipment whilst at work or at rest, it covers loss or damage due to fire, riots, strikes, flood, typhoon, storm or other accidental damage
Cover is also available on Total Loss basis
Full story Here is sample of a
Quotation of Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) / EAR Project
Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) /
EAR covers all risks of loss or damage to construction of the project or erection of machinery and Third Party Liability as well
Project Construction is of huge value and considerably high risks, it is designed to give full and comprehensive cover with set s of clauses to include Offsite Storage, Designer Risks, Existing Property, Transit Risks, 50/50 Clause, etc etc
Full story Please click here to read its English version
Terdapat beberapa jenis polis di market yang digunakan untuk penutupan Asuransi Alat Berat yaitu Heavy Equipment Insurance (HE) vs Contractors’ Plant and Equipment (CPE) atau Machinery (CPM). Jadi klien wajib berhati-hati.
Heavy Equipment Insurance (HE) juga terdiri dari berbagai versi wordings, ada yang named perils ada juga yang unnamed perils karena sifatnya yang tailor made jadi sangat bergantung dari perusahaan Asuransi ybs.
Contractors’ Plant and Machinery (CPM) adalah Standard Munich Re wordings yang dipakai luas di industri Asuransi kadang disebut juga Contractors’ Plant and Equipment (CPE) karena mungkin dipandang lebih tepat penggunaan istilah Equipment daripada Machinery untuk objek yang diasuransikan
HE vs CPE manakah yang lebih bagus? CPE pastinya lebih bagus karena selain bersifat standar wordings CPE bersifat “All Risks”.
Contractors’ Plant and Equipment (CPE)
Menjamin semua risiko kerusakan atau kerugian fisik yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan takterduga terhadap objek pertanggungan (kecuali beberapa risiko saja yang tercantum dalam pengecualian)
Polis CPE juga tetap menjamin kerusakan atau kerugian pada saat Alat-alat berat sedang bekerja (at work), sedang diam (at rest), ataupun sedang dibongkar dalam proses perawatan atau overhauling
Full story- Monday, July 7, 2008, 13:30
- Business, Property Insurance
Please click here to read its English version Property All Risks Insurance
Menjamin semua risiko kerugian
(kecuali beberapa risiko saja yang tercantum dalam pengecualian)
PAR/IAR adalah jenis Asuransi yang paling popular dibandingkan dengan jenis Asuransi lainnya, karena Menjamin semua risiko kerugian kecuali beberapa risiko saja yang tercantum dalam pengecualian.
Jaminan Asuransi Property All Risks (PAR) termasuk:
· Jaminan untuk Kerusuhan, Pemogokan, Perbuatan Jahat dan Huru Hara
· Jaminan untuk Angin Topan, Badai, Banjir dan Kerusakan akibat Air
· Jaminan untuk Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami
· Jaminan untuk Tanah Longsor dan Pergerakan Tanah
Full story - Monday, July 7, 2008, 9:00
- Business, Property Insurance
Untuk membaca versi bahasa Indonesianya, Silakan Klik disini
Property All Risks Insurance
Covers everything except listed exclusions
PAR/IAR is a very “famoust” name amongst other insurance types, because it covers everything (All Risks) except only a few numbers of risks listed as exclusions
Typical Policy Inclusions
· Coverage for Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions
· Coverage for Typhoon, Storm, Flood and Water Damage
· Coverage for Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
· Coverage for Landslide and Subsidence
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