- Sunday, March 9, 2014, 11:54
- Property Insurance
What insurers do not tell you about fire insurance?
Full story Sub-Limits are imposed on IAR/PAR Policies to reduce the insurers liability for certain covers or to give extra extensions that are now very common included in the policy schedule
It is important that these be imposed for those type of perils or covers where it is inappropriate for the full policy limit(s) to apply. Remember that where no sub limit appears then the full sum insured is the limit.
Sub limits are now very common for the following covers:
Full story Pertanggungan dibawah harga? Apa maksudnya?
Jika rumah (gedung) anda seharga Rp 1,000,000,000 tapi anda hanya meng-asuransi-kannya seharga Rp 500,000,000 saja. Maka sangat wajar jika terjadi klaim pihak Asuransi hanya akan membayar ganti rugi 50% dari Harga Sebenarnya (Value at Risk) , itu yang disebut Pertanggungan dibawah harga (under insurance).
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Full story Pernahkah anda mengalami pembayaran klaim asuransi anda dipotong 10%, 20% bahkan lebih dengan alasan depresiasi atau penyusutan??
Menyebalkan bukan?? Pasti anda sangat kecewa sekali…
Kecewa sekali karena pihak Asuransi tidak pernah menjelaskannya diawal kontrak
Kecewa sekali karena anda diminta untuk membaca wording polis dengan seksama
Kecewa sekali karena katanya itulah prinsip dasar Asuransi: Indemnity
Anda memang patut kecewa, karena yang anda perlukan sebenarnya hanyalah melekatkan klausul pemulihan nilai: Reinstatement Value Clause
Full story - Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 14:03
- M A R I N E, Marine Cargo Insurance
- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 13:54
- Hull & Machinery (H&M), M A R I N E
- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:24
- Hull & Machinery (H&M), M A R I N E
- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:19
- Aero Engine Insurance, Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Burglary Insurance, Civil Engineering Completed, Clauses, Comprehensive Machinery, Comprehensive Project (CPI), Containers Insurance, Contractors' Plant & Machinery, Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), Deterioration of Stock (DoS), Directors’ & Officers’, E N G I N E E R I N G, Earthquake Insurance, Electronic Equipment (EEI), Employers' Liability, Environment Liability, Erection All Risks (EAR), Fire Insurance, Freight Forwarders Liability, General Liability, Hull & Machinery (H&M), L I A B I L I T Y, M A R I N E, Machinery Insurance (MI), Machinery LoP, Marine Cargo Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Money Insurance, Motor Vehicle, O T H E R S, P R O P E R T Y, Personal Accident, Professional Indemnity (PI), Property All Risks (PAR), Protection & Indemnity (P&I), Terminal Operators Liability, Workmen Compensation, Yacht & Boat Insurance
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