- Sunday, May 1, 2022, 21:44
- H-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that this insurance is extended to cover loss of or damage to the subject matter insured caused by hijacking, piracy, theft or robbery or by non‐delivery of an entire package.
Termasuk jaminan atas risiko pembajakan dan perompakan
Dengan ini dipahami dan disetujui bahwa asuransi ini diperluas untuk ...
Full story- Sunday, February 6, 2022, 7:26
- H-Clauses, I-Clauses
Menyimpang dari hal-hal yang bertentangan dalam Polis ini, dengan ini dicatat dan disetujui bahwa Polis ini tidak menjamin kematian atau cacat yang diderita oleh Tertanggung dan/atau Orang yang dipertanggungkan akibat kecelakaan selama melaksanakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan ibadah haji
Hajj Exclusion Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, It is noted and agreed that this Policy does not cover death or disablement ...
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 17:48
- H-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is limited to cover the advice and service in relation to the provision of staff to third parties and We will not pay for any Claim arising from or relating to the quality of work performed by these staff for or on behalf of third parties.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 10:39
- H-Clauses
The storage of paints is allowed, but it is warranted that otherwise during the currency of this policy no mineral oil or other liquid giving off an inflammable vapour flashing below 200 degree F or 93 degree C or more than 400 gallons of kerosene oil or other inflammable vapour but flashing below 100 degree F or 38
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 10:38
- H-Clauses
Unless otherwise specifically excluded under the policy, hazardous goods usual to the trade and/or business are allowed to be stored in the quantities and manner as permitted by law or municipal regulation.
Full story- Sunday, December 18, 2016, 10:54
- H-Clauses
The use of electric, gas and other lighting, heating and power usual to the trade and occupations allowed as provided by Law, By-Law or Municipal Regulation
Full story- Sunday, December 18, 2016, 10:53
- H-Clauses
Unless otherwise specifically provided in this policy, hazardous goods usual to the trade and/or business are allowed to be stored in quantities and in a manners as permitted by law, by-law or municipal regulations.
Full story- Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 23:47
- Features, H-Clauses
Santunan kematian akibat kecelakaan diberikan dalam hal Tertanggung hilang dan tidak diketemukan dalam waktu sekurang-kurangnya 60 hari sejak terjadinya kecelakaan sebagai akibat langsung dari suatu kecelakaan yang dijamin dalam polis
Full story- Saturday, May 9, 2015, 6:29
- Features, H-Clauses
This Policy does not cover liability in respect of claims arising directly or indirectly out of or caused by or in connection with the transportation, storage, loading or unloading of hazardous goods (which expression includes but is not limited to chemicals, explosives, gases and flammable liquids).
Full story- Saturday, May 9, 2015, 6:26
- Features, H-Clauses
This Policy does not cover liability in respect of Personal Injury to any person where such Personal Injury occurs whilst riding any horse owned by the Insured or in the Insured’s physical or legal control
Full story- Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 20:26
- Features, H-Clauses
This Policy does not cover liability in respect of: Personal Injury arising directly or indirectly out of or caused by treatment prescribed or administered by the Insured or the Insured’s employees or agents other than: a) haircutting ...
Full story- Saturday, April 11, 2015, 21:49
- Features, H-Clauses
Neither the named Insured, nor any subsidiaries will enter into any contract whereby such named Insured hold any manufacturing parent harmless in respect of those parent’s products. .
Full story