Harap dicatat: Dalam hal klaim kerusakan lambung dan mesin kapal serta tanggung jawab hukum akibat tabrakan (kapal v kapal dan objek tetap dan mengambang) Pand I Club umumnya tidak terlibat. Hal ini karena Jaminan Asuransi Kapal umumnya telah mencakup 4/4 RDC & FFO.
Jika sebaliknya, polis H&M anda tidak menjamin atau tidak sepenuhnya menjamin tanggung jawab hukum tabrakan ...
Full story Berbagai Jaminan “Collision Liability” versi American Institute of Marine Underwriters (AIMU) berikut ini menarik untuk diperhatikan:
Full story Bagaimana menghitung proporsi klaim “Collision Liability” antara Polis H&M (Hull & Machinery) dan P&I (Protection & Indemnity)? Ternyata tidak mudah membuat ilustrasi perhitungan klaim “Collision Liability” dimana melibatkan polis H&M dan P&I.
Full story Diskusi yang menarik terjadi saat saya menjelaskan "Asuransi P&I" kepada salah satu perusahaan
Full story- Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 22:38
- Hull & Machinery
Collision is one of the few areas where third party liabilities may be covered by the hull policy. Traditionally, the English hull policy covered 3/4ths of the collision risks and the P&I Clubs the remaining 1/4th.
Full story Under the Rules of the Club, cover of a vessel’s liabilities for loss of, damage to, or interference with rights in relation to any fixed or moveable property whether on or above, in or below land or water.
Full story Assume that both vessels in an example collision are insured for 3/4th collision liability with their hull underwriters and for 1/4th with their P&I Clubs. In the example vessel A is 75% to blame for the collision and vessel B is 25% to blame.
Full story Asuransi Protection & Indemnity (P&I) menjamin tuntutan hukum pihak ketiga dalam hal terjadi kerugian yang ditimbulkan dalam pengoperasian kapal.
Jaminan P&I meliputi:
1. Cargo Liability: Jaminan terhadap kerusakan kargo yang diangkutnya
2. Crew Liability: Jaminan terhadap cidera badan dan kematian awak kapal
3. Collision Liability: Jaminan risiko tabrakan kapal terhadap kapal lain, kargo yang dimuat ataupun terhadap benda-benda lainnya
4. Pollution Liability: Jaminan terhadap klaim kerusakan lingkungan atau polusi
5. Other Claims: Klaim-klaim yang lain seperti biaya-biaya penyelamatan pengangkatan bangkai kapal, dan lain-lain
Termasuk biaya-biaya hukum, survey dan pemeriksaan lainnya
Full story - Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 15:59
- Hull & Machinery (H&M)
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Can you imagine how big is claim arise from this casualty?
· loss or damage to cargo on board the vessel
· loss or damage to the hull and machinery
· loss of life or bodily injury
· pollution
· salvage sue and labour, removal of wreck
· legal costs
· other losses
Marine Hull & Machinery Insurance
Marine Hull & Machinery Insurance gives comprehensive covers for loss or damage to vessel’s hull and machinery against perils of the seas and navigational perils:
Full story