- Sunday, April 5, 2015, 18:00
- General Liability
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This policy does not provide indemnity for any damage to aircraft, passengers or crew while on board an aircraft.
It is declared and agreed that exclusion 4.6.3 “Aircraft Products” is replaced by the following: ...
Full story- Sunday, April 5, 2015, 8:40
- General Liability
Here are some Liability Exclusions Clauses commonly attached to the Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) Policy
This Policy does not cover liability in respect of Personal Injury or Property Damage arising out of or in connection with any Business, Profession, Trade or Manufacturing Operations other than ...
Full story It is hereby declared and agreed notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary that this Policy extends to indemnify the Insured against all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as compensation in respect of:-
(a) Death, bodily injury or property damage as within defined arising from the use of the 'Car Park'....
Full story This Policy does not cover liability in respect of Personal Injury or Property Damage arising from or contributed to by: Destruction of Underground Property. The increased cost of reducing, converting or extracting any Underground Property to physical possession above the surface of the earth, or to the expense incurred or rendered necessary to prevent ...
Full story- Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 18:21
- General Liability
Indonesian Jurisdiction Clause :
It is understood and agreed that the Insurer will be under no liability in respect
Full story- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:19
- Aero Engine Insurance, Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Burglary Insurance, Civil Engineering Completed, Clauses, Comprehensive Machinery, Comprehensive Project (CPI), Containers Insurance, Contractors' Plant & Machinery, Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), Deterioration of Stock (DoS), Directors’ & Officers’, E N G I N E E R I N G, Earthquake Insurance, Electronic Equipment (EEI), Employers' Liability, Environment Liability, Erection All Risks (EAR), Fire Insurance, Freight Forwarders Liability, General Liability, Hull & Machinery (H&M), L I A B I L I T Y, M A R I N E, Machinery Insurance (MI), Machinery LoP, Marine Cargo Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Money Insurance, Motor Vehicle, O T H E R S, P R O P E R T Y, Personal Accident, Professional Indemnity (PI), Property All Risks (PAR), Protection & Indemnity (P&I), Terminal Operators Liability, Workmen Compensation, Yacht & Boat Insurance
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