Apa yang dijamin dalam Maintenance Covers?

Banyak rekan-rekan yang masih belum mengerti apa yang dijamin dalam “Maintenance Cover” dalam Polis Asuransi CAR / EAR. Sebagian menganggap bahwa risiko-risiko yang dijamin dalam Maintenance Cover (atau Maintenance Period) sama dengan risiko-risiko yang dijamin dalam Periode Konstruksi (Construction Period) dalam CAR atau Periode Instalasi (Erection Period) dalam EAR, sebagian bahkan berpendapat bahwa “Maintenance Cover” sama dengan memberikan free PAR cover atau free CECR cover. Padahal tidak demikian halnya, mari kita perhatikan.

Insurance cover for the maintenance period should only be granted when the works contract imposes maintenance liability on the contractor and only to the extent of the liability specified.

Therefore, study the works contract maintenance clauses and then propose a suitable endorsement.

Insurance cover during the maintenance period is basically limited to loss or damage caused by the contractor carrying out:

•minor adjustments,

•normal making good,

•replacing parts of sub-normal quality

•correcting deficiencies

to achieve guaranteed performance in fulfillment of his contractual obligations.

•This basic cover is given with the endorsement called: Visits Maintenance

Endorsement 003

Maintenance visits cover

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the contract works caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract.

Maintenance cover: from …… to …….

Extra premium: ……

Download : Endorsement 003 Maintenance visits cover

•This endorsement covers loss or damage due solely to acts and activities of the contractor on the site during the maintenance period and required by the works contract,

e.g. if the contractor damages a rolling mill gear which he has to open for inspection within the maintenance period, then the damage is covered.

Jadi, jelaslah bahwa Maintenance Cover hanya menjamin risiko-risiko pekerjaan maintenance saja untuk memenuhi kewajiban pekerjaan pemeliharaan sebagaimana dipersyaratkan dalam kontrak, tidak ada lagi jaminan atas risiko-risiko utama seperti kebakaran, petir, pencurian, banjir, tanah longsor, gempa bumi, dan lain-lain.

Jaminan asuransi dalam masa pemeliharaan (maintenance period) terbatas pada kerusakan atau kerugian yang disebabkan oleh kontraktor dalam melakukan pekerjaan pemeliharaan saja yang umumnya terbatas pada pekerjaan-pekerjaan penyetelan, perbaikan kecil, penggantian spare-parts, dan sejenisnya.

Extended Maintenance and Guarantee Maintenance memberikan jaminan yang lebih luas dari Visits Maintenance

Endorsement 004

Extended maintenance cover

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover loss of or damage to the contract works

– caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract,

– occurring during the maintenance period provided such loss or damage was caused on the site during the construction period before the certificate of completion for the lost or damaged section was issued.

Maintenance cover: from ….. to …..

Extra premium: …..

Download : Endorsement 004 Extended maintenance cover

•This endorsement includes the cover of Visits Maintenance

and additionally cover for accidental loss or damage caused by faults and errors made during the erection work or due to consequences of faulty material and/or bad workmanship, always excluding the faulty part.

•If during the maintenance period a motor shaft breaks, clearly due to bad alignment of the motor to the driven machine, which is an erection fault, the damage is covered.

•If a blast furnace fan disintegrates during the maintenance period because its shaft breaks due to faulty material, damage to the fan is covered. However, the faulty shaft and the normal cost of exchanging it would not be indemnified but only the cost of repairing all additional damage.

Extended Maintenance Cover menjamin Visits Maintenance plus kerusakan atau kerugian yang terjadi pada masa pemeliharaan namun penyebab kerusakan atau kerugian terjadi sebagai akibat kesalahan atau kelalaian saat periode konstruksi atau instalasi atau sebagai akibat cacat material atau cacat pengerjaan. Bagian yang cacat atau penyebab kerusakan dikecualikan.

Maintenance guarantee cover

If the insured is the manufacturer of the machinery or plant to be insured and has also been commissioned with the erection work, the manufacturer’s liability for loss or damage during the guarantee period, as stipulated in the supply contract, can be included in the insurance to a certain extent in addition to the abovementioned covers.

Endorsement 201

Guarantee Cover

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the guarantee period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the insured items resulting from faults in erection, faulty design, defective material or casting, and/or bad workmanship, but excluding the costs the Insured would have incurred for rectifying the original fault had such fault been discovered before the loss occurred.

This extension shall not cover any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with fire, explosion and/or any Acts of God nor shall it cover any third party liability.

Guarantee cover from ….. to ……

Deductible: 20 % of the loss amount, …………… minimum any one occurrence.

Extra Premium: ……

Download : Endorsement 201 Guarantee Cover

•This endorsement includes cover of Extended Maintenance and additionally cover for accidental loss or damage due to consequences of faulty design,

e.g. if a crane bridge collapses because the design is inadequate, damage caused during the maintenance period to machinery erected and operating below is covered. However, replacing the too weak bridge by a correctly designed one would not be indemnified.


Jadi, Apakah sudah jelas apa yang dijamin dalam Maintenance Covers?

Jadi, Apakah sudah jelas perbedaan apa yang dijamin dalam Endorsement 003 Maintenance Visits cover v Endorsement 004 Extended Maintenance cover v Endorsement 201 Guarantee Cover?

Jika kurang jelas, silakan hubungi saya di +6281280791330 atau email di imusjab@qbe.co.id atau imusjab@gmail.com

Thanks to http://www.bosnare.ba/  who originally produce this material

Endorsement 003 Maintenance Visits Cover

Endorsement 004 Extended Maintenance Cover

Endorsement 201 Guarantee Cover

Ditulis kembali oleh Imam MUSJAB

About the Author

has written 1869 stories on this site.

7 Comments on “Apa yang dijamin dalam Maintenance Covers?”

  • oggy wrote on 28 March, 2013, 10:24

    Dear Pak Imam,

    Mohon informasi, apa yang dimaksud dengan defectt liabilit dalam CAR/EAR 


    Defect Liability = Jaminan Maintenance Cover, Oggy

  • denni wrote on 12 September, 2014, 23:58

    Jadi apabila ada klaim akibat faulty design atau kesalahn desain hanya bs dijamin pada maintenance period ya pak. Sedangkan polis tidak menerapkan kalausula designer risk clause. Pertanyaan kedua , untuk menjaminklaim akibat faulty design apakah cukup dg mencantumkan klausula guarantee cover saja dan tidak perlu klausula designer risk clause, dg kata lain apa perbedaan antara guarante cover dg designer risk klause pak imam. Terima kasih sebelumnya…

    Jadi apabila ada klaim akibat faulty design atau kesalahn desain hanya bs dijamin pada maintenance period ya pak. Sedangkan polis tidak menerapkan kalausula designer risk clause (?)

    Jika polis tidak menjamin “designer risk” tentu saja “Extended Maintenance Period” tidak menjamin akibat “designer risk” juga. yang dijamin adalah akibat “bad workmanship and defective material”

    Designer Risk –> CAR (Construction works)
    Guarantee Cover –> EAR (Machinery)

  • denni wrote on 20 November, 2014, 15:32

    Pak imam apakah kejadian klaim car seperti ini : pada masa maintenance tertanggung klaim bahwa lantai bangunan proyek mengalami elevasi kenaikan struktur lantai setinggi 1 cm sd. 13,5 cm dimana struktur bangunan tidak mengalami kerusakan dan penyebab masih belum diketahui. 
    Kondisi tsb. Di atas apakah termasuk dalam jaminan bad workmanship atau defective material?

    IMAM MUSJAB : Termasuk (dalam jaminan Extended Maintenance Cover), Denni

  • denni wrote on 7 February, 2015, 3:28

    Pak imam dari kejadian di atas naiknya lantai cor padz masa maintenance, dan sudah diketahui penyebabnya adalah cuaca atU suhu yang extrem/panas. Klausula yang ada di polis yaitu extended maintenance cover dan liability cover during maintenance period. dari 2 kalusula di atas mana yang paling pas pak untuk menjelaskan bahwa kejadian di atas tidak dijamin pada kondisi polis car?

    Jika penyebabnya / disebabkan oleh kesalahan pada masa konstruksi – maka tetap dijamin di “Extended Maintenance Cover”
    liability cover during maintenance period – jika maksudnya adalah jaminan TPL (Liability) tentu harus ada kerugian dari pihak ketiga to apply
    (saya belum pernah baca klausul ini sebelumnya)

  • denni wrote on 15 February, 2015, 10:01

    Penyebabnya adalah suhu ekstrim atau aog pak imam dan tidak diketemukan kesalahan konstruksi serta dibuktikan juga bahwa bast sdh ditanda tangani kedua belah pihak shg sdh tdk. Ada pekerjaan lagi baik konstruksi maupun pekerjaan maintenance paga bangunan dan bangunan sudah diserahterimakan kpd pihak principal. Apakah hal tsb masih bs tercover di extended maintenance period pak imam?

    Kalo penyebab bukan disebabkan pada kesalahan pada masa konstruksi –> berarti tidak dijamin di polis CAR (mungkin) dijamin di polis PAR

    BAST sudah ditandatangani bukan berarti kontraktor tidak bertanggung jawab jika ada kesalahan yang terjadi pada masa konstruksi namun kerusakan baru diketahui pada masa maintenance (hal ini tujuan dari Extended Maintenance Cover dalam polis CAR)

  • Krishna Murti wrote on 16 April, 2015, 14:44

    Dear Pak Imam,
    Mau menanyakan, bilamana dalam konstruksi sudah selesai, namun PA belum disetujui oleh owner karena ada catatan perbaikan/performance test yg belum memuaskan sedangkan periode cover polis sudah berakhir, apakah cover atas pekerjaan bila ada perbaikan/kerusakan dapat dicover dalam masa warranty period?

    Terima kasih sebelumnya atas jawaban yang diberikan.


    Secara (Teori) Hukum – Tidak dicover dalam Maintenance Period / Warranty Period – karena “Pekerjaan Belum Selesai”
    (Umumnya dalam proses klaim yang terjadi di MP/WP perusahaan asuransi tentu akan minta bukti PA atau Serah Terima)
    Yang harus dilakukan tentu harus minta “Perpanjangan Periode Polis” kepada perusahaan asuransi


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