Our CDS solution provides protection against third party liability arising from unauthorised access to your systems. In addition, we also provide first party protection as outlined below. The cover provided is supported by global reputable Cyber emergency service providers which QBE has partnered with to ensure a smooth and professional handling of the Cyber incidents and claims.
Scope of Cover – Third Party
Cyber, data security ...
Full story Banyak yang bingung apakah suatu klaim dijamin dalam Polis General Liability atau Professional Liability?
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The banking industry has entered an era of unprecedented change that will continue unabated well into the new century.
Full story Professional Liability is liability to third party arising from the performance of or failure to perform professional services
Full story Marine Professional Negligence Insurance (MPI) covers professionals in marine industry for negligent acts, errors or omissions
Full story Civil Liability wording covers “civil liability” incurred by the Insured in the conduct of the Insured’s business
Simply speaking, civil liability is a civil law requirement to compensate another because of an unlawful injury to his/her person or property
Full story Technology E&O – “Internet Content” – A health system accidentally posted the medical records of thousands of patients on the Internet. A class action suit was filed for alleged emotional distress of the effected patients.
Loss: The class action seeks damages in excess of $10 million and the federal government has notified the system to prepare for an investigation under HIPAA.
Full story versi bahasa Indonesia,
klik disini Any professional person or consultant who provides advice or services is exposed to ‘professional indemnity’ claims.
do your clients need protection?
Ø Any professional person or consultant providing advice or other services is exposed to claims of a “Professional Indemnity” nature
Full story “Being Professional” tidak hanya berarti melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban dengan baik namun juga harus dengan penuh tanggung jawab (full responsibility). Mengapa demikian? Melaksanakan tugas dengan baik (duty) adalah kewajiban (obligation) but if something goes wrong sebagai professional anda harus bertanggung jawab.
Full story Di gedung-gedung pencakar langit di Jakarta, seringkali tenant (penyewa) harus melakukan pekerjaan renovasi dan design interior untuk menyesuaikan konsep penataan ruang dengan “image” perusahaan.
Pekerjaan renovasi dan design interior umumnya berupa pembuatan partisi, dekorasi, penataan ruang, furniture, display dan sejenisnya.
Ada pekerjaan lain yang sering dilakukan di high rise building yaitu pekerjaan pemeliharaan (maintenance), umumnya meliputi pemeliharaan, servis atau perbaikan alat-alat kelistrikan, AC atau Mechanical Electrical lainya.
Asuransi CAR/EAR vs Public Liability
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