- Saturday, May 7, 2022, 9:54
- M-Clauses, P-Clauses
It is hereby noted and agreed, and subject to payment of additional premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover death and disablement caused by murders and assaults committed by other people.
Klausul Pembunuhan dan Penganiayaan
Dengan ini dicatat dan disetujui bahwa dengan adanya tambahan premi, polis ini juga menjamin risiko kematian atau cacat tetap yang diderita sebagai akibat dari penganiayaan, ...
Full story- Sunday, May 1, 2022, 13:44
- M-Clauses
This insurance is to pay total loss in the event of any of the insured vessels being missing during the currency of this policy. Any vessel recorded at Lloyd’s as “Untraced” or posted “Missing” for a continuous period of 6 (six) months should be deemed to constitute an Actual Total Loss. No claim shall attach under this missing vessel clause when ...
Full story- Thursday, December 28, 2017, 15:19
- M-Clauses
In the event of an unintentional misdescription of the location at which property insured is physically situated or the unintentional failure to include any property in which the insured has an insurable interest, this policy shall cover physical loss or damage to such property as if the errors had not occurred providing the value of the property insured
does not exceed 10% of the property ...
Full story- Monday, December 25, 2017, 11:43
- M-Clauses
It is agreed that the following is added to General Exclusions:
Insurers will not indemnify the Insured in respect of:
(a) loss or damage, arising out of, resulting from, caused by, contributed to, or in any way related to the existence, inhalation or exposure to any fungus/fungi and or spore(s);
(b) any cost or expenses associated in any way, or arising out of the abatement, mitigation, remediation, containment, ...
Full story- Monday, December 25, 2017, 11:23
- M-Clauses
If at any time any change shall occur materially varying any of the facts relating to the Project, the Contract, this Policy or the degree of risk assumed hereunder, the Insured shall immediately give notice in writing of such Material Change in risk to the Insurers, supplying, as soon as possible thereafter, any further particulars as the Insurers may reasonably require.
In ...
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 18:51
- M-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of You paying the additional premium of (ADDITIONAL PREMIUM AMOUNT), the Limit of Indemnity is increased to (NEW LOI) any one claim and in the aggregate inclusive of costs and expenses with effect from (DATE OF ENDORSEMENT).
It is further agreed that the new Limit of Indemnity, as provided above, shall only apply to Claims and/or circumstances ...
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 17:56
- M-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that We will not pay for any Claim directly or indirectly arising out of, in consequence of, or contributed to by any actual or alleged act of molestation or physical interference with any person that is committed by You.
However this Exclusion shall not apply to defence costs and expenses, which is sub-limited to S$50,000 any one claim and in ...
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 17:56
- M-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that We will not pay for any Claim directly or indirectly arising out of, in consequence of, or contributed to by any actual or alleged act of molestation or physical interference with any person that is committed by You.
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 17:55
- M-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that We will not pay for any Claim directly or indirectly arising out of, in consequence of, or contributed to by advisory services provided in relation to mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, corporate restructures or share issues.
Full story- Sunday, January 8, 2017, 17:54
- M-Clauses
It is hereby understood and agreed that We will not pay for any Claim directly or indirectly arising out of, in consequence of, or contributed to by depreciation (or failure to appreciate) in value of any investments, including but not limited to, property, shares, securities, commodities, currencies, options and futures or derivative transactions, or as a result of any actual or alleged representation, advice, guarantee ...
Full story- Saturday, January 7, 2017, 18:03
- M-Clauses
It is hereby noted and agreed that any occurrence and/or claims related to or involving mining activities are excluded from this policy.
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 18:50
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of
Expenses incurred
- for replacing or rectifying piles or retaining wall elements
* which have become misplaced or misaligned or jammed,
* which are lost ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 18:49
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section II of this insurance shall be extended to cover liability consequent upon loss or damage caused by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support.
Provided always that
- the Insurers ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 18:45
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of this insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the Principal's existing property or property belonging to or held in care, custody or control ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 9:54
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the cover for well drilling work shall be restricted to loss or damage due to or resulting from the following named perils:
- Earthquake, volcanism, tsunami
- Storm, cyclone, flood, inundation, landslide
- Blow-out and/or cratering
- Fire/explosion
- Artesian waterflow
- Mud loss, which cannot be overcome ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 8:09
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured for any loss, damage or liability due to the flooding or silting of pipes, trenches or shafts only up to the maximum length of open trench stated below, partially or completely excavated, for any one loss event.
The ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:59
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the insurance shall be extended to cover
- loss of or damage to parts of the insured contract works taken over or put into service if such loss or damage emanates from the ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:55
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, exclusion c under Special Exclusions to Section I of the Policy shall be deleted and exclusion d replaced by the following ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:49
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the following clause shall apply to this insurance:
Loss or damage due to faulty design (if covered by endorsement), defective material and/or workmanship arising out of the same cause to structures, parts of structures, machines or equipment of the same type shall be indemnified ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:45
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of this insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the property insured whilst in transit to the contract site other than on waterways or by air ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:43
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from fire or explosion, provided always that:
With regard to the progress of work adequate fire-fighting equipment and sufficient extinguishing agents are available and operative ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:42
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of
- expenses incurred for the removal of debris from landslides in excess of the costs of excavating the original material from the area affected by such landslides,
- expenses incurred for the repair of ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:38
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability caused directly or indirectly by precipitation, flood and inundation if adequate safety measures have been taken in designing and executing the project involved.
Adequate safety measures shall mean that allowance is made ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:36
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to construction material by flood and inundation if such construction material does not exceed ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:23
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to construction plant, equipment and machinery by flood and inundation if, after the execution ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:20
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to camps and stores by fire, flood or inundation if these camps and stores are located above the highest water level recorded anywhere on the ...
Full story- Thursday, January 5, 2017, 7:18
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to or by embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches and canals if these embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches and canals are constructed in sections not exceeding in total ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 19:22
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the cover under Section I shall be extended according to the following provisions to cover sudden and unforeseen physical loss of or damage to the structures stated below caused by ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 19:21
- M-Clauses
Company shall not be liable under the Policy to make any payment for Loss arising from any Claim made against the Insured directly or indirectly based upon, attributable to, or in consequence of any actual or alleged act of molestation or physical interference with any person....
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 19:20
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of
- grouting of soft rock areas and/or other additional safety measures even if their necessity arises only during construction,
- expenses incurred for dewatering even if the quantities of ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 19:19
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to crops, forests and/or any cultures during the execution of the contract works
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 19:01
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to existing underground cables and/or pipes or other underground facilities if, prior to the commencement of works, the Insured has inquired with the relevant authorities about the ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:58
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of
- grouting of soft rock areas and/or other additional safety measures even if their necessity arises only during construction,
- overbreak excavation in excess of the minimum ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:56
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the period of cover shall be extended to include a test operation or a test loading but not beyond four ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:55
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of the Policy or any Endorsements agreed upon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of the Policy shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to property insured (except property being manufactured, processed or stored at the manufacturer's, distributor's or supplier's premises) ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:54
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of the Policy or any Endorsements agreed upon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from windstorm equal to or exceeding grade 8 on the Beaufort Scale ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:52
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly caused by or resulting from flood and inundation.
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:51
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from earthquake.
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:49
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability arising out of earthquake if the Insured proves that the earthquake risk was taken into account in design according to the official building codes valid for the site and ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:48
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover extra charges for airfreight.
Provided always that such extra charges are incurred in connection with any loss of or damage to the ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:45
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover extra charges for overtime, night work, work on public holidays and express freight (excluding airfreight)
Provided always that such extra are incurred ...
Full story- Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 18:44
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the following shall apply to this insurance :
The construction and/or erection time schedule together with any other statements made in writing by the Insured for the purpose of obtaining cover under the Policy as well as technical information forwarded ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:40
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the following shall apply to this insurance :
The construction and/or erection time schedule together with any other statements made in writing by the Insured for the purpose of obtaining cover under the Policy as well as technical information forwarded ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:39
- M-Clauses
Policy excludes cover for claims arising form or relating to marine engineering activities.
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:38
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover loss or damage to the contract works
- caused by the insured contractor(s) in the ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:37
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the contractions carried out for the purpose of complying with the ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:35
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Third Party Liability cover of the Policy shall apply to the insured parties named in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to each party, provided ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:33
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover loss or damage due to strike, riot and civil commotion which for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean (subject always to the ...
Full story- Monday, January 2, 2017, 12:30
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and declared that Exclusion 3.21 of this Policy is deleted and replaced by the following
Personal Injury or Property damage arising out of the ownership, operation, possession or use by the Insured of any vehicle:
3.21.1 in respect of which there is required by Law to be in force compulsory liability Insurance. Provided that this section 3.21.1 does not apply to vehicles whilst being ...
Full story- Sunday, January 1, 2017, 19:28
- M-Clauses
It is hereby declared and agreed that this policy is extended to cover property under construction or erection subject to the project having a contract value of USD……./ unlimited or less but cover excludes testing and commissioning absolutely.
This extension in coverage strictly excludes Business Interruption and/or Advance Loss of Profit.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:07
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 b
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon.
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to:
1.1.1. drilling and oil and gas well servicing equipment, including spare parts, derricks, drill pipes, tools and miscellaneous appurtenances specified in the ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:06
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. The insurer shall in the event of indemnifiable loss of or damage to property insured indemnify the ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:04
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to reactor pressure vessels ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:03
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon.
1.1. The insurer shall in the event of indemnifiable loss of or damage to property insured indemnify the insured in respect of the reasonable extra costs incurred to decontaminate property insured which has ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:01
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to nuclear fuel elements.
1.2. ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 16:00
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. Clause under "Exclusions to section 1 a" shall be deleted and replaced by the following wording:...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:58
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 2
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of liability consequent upon loss or damage resulting from vibration or by the ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:57
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of section 1 a
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon. Indemnification
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to property insured specified below which...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:55
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of
Section 1a (Y/N)
Section 1b (Y/N)
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon.
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of reasonable extra costs for airfreight incurred to rectify loss or damage to property insured.
1.2. The indemnity provided by this endorsement shall not exceed during ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:53
- M-Clauses
This endorsement forms part of
Section 1a (Y / N)
Section 1b (Y / N)
and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon.
1.1. The insurer shall indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to property insured resulting from strike, lock-out, riot and civil commotion.
1.2. The limit of indemnity for anyone occurrence of ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:51
- M-Clauses
Notwithstanding exclusion 5 of the CECR policy, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of gross profit actually sustained due to the reduction in turnover and the increased cost of working as defined in this Endorsement, if at any time during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule to this Endorsement the items (or any part thereof) insured under the CECR ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:48
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the extra premium agreed on, the Insurers will indemnify the Insured for any deterioration or putrefaction occurring as a result of any failure of the nonpublic power supply, provided that ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:47
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the extra premium agreed on, the Insurers will indemnify the Insured for any deterioration or putrefaction occurring as a result of any failure of the public power supply, provided that ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:45
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed premium, this insurance covers loss of or damage to goods stored in cold storage under controlled atmosphere conditions, provided always that at the time of accident ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:42
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the sum insured and indemnity shall be defined as follows The annual sum insured shall be calculated on the basis of the agreed unit price multiplied by the number of units the Insured produces during ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:41
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the deductible in respect of the time excess shall be determined as follows: ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:40
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon for indemnity period limits exceeding 12 months, the following shall apply: The figures for annual sum(s) insured, annual turnover and standard turnover as defined or stated in the Policy shall be increased in the proportion ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:39
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall, within the agreed indemnity period limit, be liable for a period not exceeding four weeks for any loss of gross profits due to delay in repair or replacement of damaged machines of foreign make, where such ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:38
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include loss of gross profits resulting from interruption of or interference with the business due to failure of the public power, water, gas or steam supply in accordance with the following conditions: ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:35
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, this insurance shall be extended to cover additional expenditure as specified below, other than increased cost of working, which may be incurred during the indemnity period as a consequence of an indemnifiable interruption of or interference with the business. ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:34
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, this insurance shall be extended to cover the maximum demand charges as itemized in the power supply contract attached to and deemed to be incorporated in this Endorsement, such charges falling due as a consequence of indemnifiable loss of ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:33
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, this insurance shall be extended to cover increased cost of electricity, water, gas or steam - hereinafter referred to as energy - due to purchase thereof becoming necessary following an indemnifiable loss of or damage to...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:31
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include a prolongation of the interruption period due to the deterioration of raw materials, intermediate or finished products or operating media, provided that such deterioration is actually caused by an indemnifiable interruption of or ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:30
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include deterioration of raw materials, intermediate, or finished products or operating media specified with a separate sum insured in the List of Material Insured attached to the Policy, the following conditions being applicable:...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:26
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include loss of gross profits resulting from prolongation of the interruption or interference due to the decontamination of items specified in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured, provided that the contamination was caused ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:25
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of gross profits in consequence of any accident to the boilers named in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured, subject to the following conditions:
The ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:23
- M-Clauses
sets are to be overhauled in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations
These periods shall commence as from the first start of operation or last overhaul of the turbo-generator set or part thereof, irrespective of the date of commencement of this insurance cover
The Insured shall advise the Insurers of any significant change In the ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:21
- M-Clauses
above 750 kW for types with 2 poles and
above 1,000 kW for types with 4 poles or more
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of gross profits ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:20
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of gross profits in consequence of an accident to
item (s) No(s)
specified in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured, ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:18
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured for any loss of gross profit incurred due to flue gas explosions in any boiler, furnace and/or associated plant or equipment.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:17
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not be liable for loss of gross profits following inundation or silting up caused by the fracture or bursting of a penstock, associated valves, turbines or pumps
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:16
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, Exclusion No 3 of the Policy
- material loss or damage for which a supplier, contractor or repairer is responsible either by law or under contract -
shall be deleted.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:15
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include loss of profits resulting from loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified In the List of Machinery and Plant Insured, such loss or damage being due ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:14
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover shall be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured caused by internal fire, the extinguishing ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:12
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover will be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured caused by flood, earthquake, inundation, landslide ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:11
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, cover will be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item{s) No(s)
specified in the List of Machinery and Plant Insured caused by flood, earthquake, inundation, landslide ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:10
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the following alteration of Memo 1 of the provisions shall apply to this insurance:
The Insurers shall waive the right to apply underinsurance, provided the sum insured at the beginning of the insurance was correctly fixed ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:09
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to include the risk of hurricane,
cyclone and typhoon up to a limit of anyone event....
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:08
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of any loss or damage arising from flood or inundation and
storm or tempest.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:07
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of
any loss or damage arising directly from lightning, directly or indirectly from fire, the extinguishment of a fire, or clearance of debris and dismantling necessitated thereby, ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:06
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of any loss or damage arising from mechanical or electrical breakdown of the insured items.
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:05
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, cover will be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified in the Subsection 1.2 of the Schedule of the Policy
caused ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:03
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, cover will be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified in the Subsection 1.2 of the Schedule of the Policy
caused ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:02
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, cover will be extended to include loss of gross profits following loss of or damage to
item(s) No(s)
specified in the Schedule of the Policy
caused by flood, earthquake, inundation, ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 15:00
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Insurers will indemnify the Insured for any deterioration or putrefaction occurring as a result of any failure of the non-public power supply, provided that ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 14:59
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Insurers will indemnify the Insured for any deterioration or putrefaction occurring as a result of any failure of the public power supply, provided that ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 14:57
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed premium, this insurance shall cover loss of or damage to goods stored in cold storage under controlled atmosphere conditions, provided always that at the time of ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 14:55
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover
drilling rigs and equipment warranted that such equipment is not used for oil, gas and/or geothermal drilling or ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 14:53
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the insured items whilst in transit anywhere in
Extra ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 14:52
- M-Clauses
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy of endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the insured items whilst in transit anywhere in
Full story