Tahukah anda bahwa Munich Re telah menerbitkan polis Industrial All Risks (IAR) baru?
- Tuesday, December 26, 2017, 22:32
- Features, Property All Risks (PAR), Property Insurance
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Munich Re telah menerbitkan polis Industrial All Risks (IAR) baru versi 2.3 (Agustus 2017) yang memberikan jaminan dan persyaratan polis yang lebih transparan, terstruktur rapi, jelas, tidak ambigu, dilengkapi dengan definisi dan endorsemen perluasan yang diperlukan.
Bagian penting dari polis ini, adalah:
- Polis menjamin kerusakan fisik dan gangguan usaha (Policy covers physical physical damage and resulting business interruption)
- Polis menjamin semua risiko kecuali yang secara khusus di kecualikan (All risks are covered except for what is specifically excluded)
- Theft, transit, machinery breakdown, CAR/EAR adalah tidak dijamin. Namun demikian dapat saja diperluas dengan menambahkan endorsemen
- Terrorism, war, radio-active/nuclear hazards and electronic data adalah pengecualian umum yang berlaku untuk semua bagian.
- The main basis of indemnification is new replacement value.
Munich Re’s Industrial All-Risks (IAR) Policy sets a new standard
In many markets, all-risks policies are standard for the insurance of industrial risks. Nevertheless, existing all-risks policies differ significantly from one another and are often not transparent for the policyholder. When packaging different perils in one policy, it is important to combine underwriting expertise with clear terms and conditions.
Building on wordings of various markets, Munich Re’s experts have developed an all-risks policy, a new standard that reflects the global experience of the world’s leading reinsurer and yet at the same time is flexible enough to respond to market-related demands.
Both sides benefit
Profit from the advantages of a new standard policy:
Offer your client a clearly structured standard policy based on Munich Re’s global expertise.
Clear terms and conditions ensure optimum results for insurers and insureds.
The rights of policyholders and insurers are protected at all times.
Different requirements and market practices can always be taken into account. Even the inclusion of further risks is possible – additional endorsements are available.
A complete wording without references to national laws means you can use the policy internationally across markets – without any additional input required.
The policy considers the interests of policyholders and insurers, creating an acceptable contractual basis for both parties.
Where and when should I use the Munich Re IAR wording?
We have targeted medium-sized companies and non-US clients in single territories. We have included in our policies those items that we consider standard in most markets. However, there are various differences between markets, and one document cannot reflect all local subtleties. To be flexible, we are in the process of offering various additional endorsements, and you may also use our policy in a flexible way, adjusted where necessary to satisfy your client’s needs and create your own amended MR IAR wording. (Munich Re)
Jadi kalo sudah ada versi terbaru, mengapa kita masih menggunakan polis IAR versi lama??
Belum punya wording polis-nya??
Ya..ilah..minta saja kalee
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Wordings polis akan segera di email
Terima kasih,
Imam Musjab
Original source : Munich Re
Now, you can download the new wordings here
Wording polis baru sekarang bisa di download di sini
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