- Monday, December 19, 2016, 13:06
- A-Clauses
Each item insured under this memorandum is declared to be separately subject to the following condition of average, namely :
If at the time of reinstatement the sum representing : 85% for - Ferronickel Plant (Feni I, II, & III) Pomalaa, Kolaka, South
Sulawesi, Gold & ...
Full story- Monday, December 19, 2016, 13:04
- A-Clauses
Each item insured under this memorandum is declared to be separately subject to the following condition of average, namely:
If at the time of reinstatement the sum representing eighty five (85) percent of the cost which would have been incurred in reinstatement of the whole of the property covered by such item had been destroyed exceeds the sum ...
Full story- Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 22:42
- Property Insurance
Seringkali penulis mendapat pertanyaan seperti ini? Apakah Average (Under-Insurance) berlaku untuk klaim Total Loss? Tidak hanya dari “orang awam” bahkan dari rekan-rekan sesame “orang Asuransi”.
Sebagian besar menjawab “Tidak Berlaku”. Why? Karena maksimum ganti rugi adalah sebesar Harga Pertanggungan (TSI).
Full story Pertanggungan dibawah harga? Apa maksudnya?
Jika rumah (gedung) anda seharga Rp 1,000,000,000 tapi anda hanya meng-asuransi-kannya seharga Rp 500,000,000 saja. Maka sangat wajar jika terjadi klaim pihak Asuransi hanya akan membayar ganti rugi 50% dari Harga Sebenarnya (Value at Risk) , itu yang disebut Pertanggungan dibawah harga (under insurance).
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