- Monday, May 9, 2016, 6:08
- Contractors' All Risks (CAR), Erection All Risks (EAR)
- 1 comment
It is hereby agreed and understood that the Third Party Liability Clause shall be extended for the maintenance period specified in the Schedule to indemnify the Insured in respect of such sums which the Insured shall become legally liable for,
- a) Bodily Injury (including death resulting therefrom) to the third parties
- b) Loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties
caused by the Insured contractor(s) whilst on the construction / erection site in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of rectifying defects in accordance with his obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract.
Berbagai pertanyaan mengenai
- apakah jaminan tanggung jawab hukum terhadap pihak ketiga (Third Party Liability) masih berlaku dalam masa pemeliharaan (maintenance period) mengingat kontraktor masih melakukan pekerjaan pemeliharaan atau site visit sehubungan dengan kewajibannya?
- mengapa musti ada Endorsements khusus ‘TPL during Maintenance Period’ ini? Bukankah Period of Insurance (POI) nya memang belum habis, yang artinya Section 2 (TPL) juga masih berlaku during Maintenance Works?
Mas Imam,
Untuk engineering POI (Period of Insurance) itu berakhir sesuai dengan yang tertera dalam polis. Setelah POI berakhir maka automatically masuk ke Maintenance Period. Maintenance Period itu bukan POI. Maintenance period hanya mengcover sesuai dengan MR 004. Jadi cover MR 004 itu scope nya sesuai dengan yg tertera di MR 004:
– caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract,
– occurring during the maintenance period provided such loss or damage was caused on the site during the construction period before the certificate of completion for the lost or damaged section was issued.
Jadi coverage dalam maintenance period itu sangat lah terbatas.
Jadi perlu TPL cover for Maintenance Period endorsement harus diberikan jika si client meminta atau diwajibkan berdasarkan hukum setempat dan ada tambahan loading premi untuk hal tersebut.
Semoga bisa membantu Mas,
TAHILALA SIHOMBING | Senior Underwriter Engineering | VICE PRESIDENT | Property & Specialty Underwriting Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Singapore Branch | 12 Marina View 16-01 Asia Square Tower 2, 018961 Singapore, Singapore
Terima kasih atas penjelasannya, Bang. Semoga bermanfaat!!
Jawaban yang sama diberikan oleh Patrick Lim – Senior Engineering Underwriters, QBE Insurance Group – Thank you, Patrick – tapi karena jawabannya dalam bahasa inggris, saya copy jawaban dari Bang Tahilala saja.
Baca juga :
Apa yang dijamin dalam Maintenance Covers?
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Apa bedanya Cover For Cross Liability (both ways) dengan Cross Liability (Full ways) ? Boleh kasih contohnya Pak Imam supaya bisa lebih dimengerti. Terima kasih.