- Sunday, December 12, 2021, 23:36
- Marine Cargo Insurance, W-Clauses
This insurance attaches from the time the subject-matter insured is first moved in the warehouse or at the place of storage (at the place named in the contract of insurance) for the purpose of the immediate loading into or onto the carrying vehicle or other conveyance for the commencement of transit, continues during the ordinary course of transit, and terminates on completion of ...
Full story Warranted that the cargo, machine or equipment shipped must be secured with a safety lashing and adequate cargo securing.
Lashing must be done correctly according to the size, weight, and equipment type to prevent the cargo, machine or equipment from moving, falling, or getting damaged over rough journeys.
When the lashing is not done correctly, This insurance will not cover any ...
Full story- Sunday, February 15, 2015, 21:16
- Marine Cargo Insurance
Co-Mingling Clause
When shipments of oil or other bulk products insured hereunder are stowed in such a manner as to be co-mingled with other bulk shipments belonging to and/or insured by others or owned by the Assured and intended for different consignees, it is agreed that in the event of loss or damage recoverable under this Policy, such ...
Full story- Thursday, October 9, 2014, 22:12
- Contractors' Plant & Machinery, Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), E N G I N E E R I N G, Earthquake Insurance, Electronic Equipment (EEI), Erection All Risks (EAR), Fire Insurance, Hull & Machinery (H&M), M A R I N E, Machinery Insurance (MI), Marine Cargo Insurance, Motor Vehicle, O T H E R S, P R O P E R T Y, Personal Accident, Property All Risks (PAR)
Polis-Polis dan Klausul-Klausul Bilingual yang diakui AAUI dapat di download di link AAUI berikut ini
Full story Polis-Polis Standar AAUI dan Klausul-Klausulnya dapat di download di link AAUI berikut ini
Full story- Monday, January 13, 2014, 11:30
- Marine Cargo Insurance
• Air Freight Clause
It is further agreed that in the event of a claim under this Contract, the Insurer agrees to pay the cost of air freighting
Full story- Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 12:31
- Marine Cargo Insurance
Cargo insurance can be effected on different conditions by using various clauses. All the conditions have one thing in common; the goods can only be insured against unexpected, fortuitous losses.
Full story- Monday, September 17, 2012, 7:11
- Marine Cargo Insurance
Beberapa “Marine Cargo Clauses” yang penulis copy dari
NipponKoa. Have fun with it. Thank U.
<A> <B> <C> <D> <E> <F> <G> <H> <I> <J> <K> <L> <M><N> <O> <P> <Q> <R> <S> <T> <U> <V> <W> <X> <Y> <Z> Full story- Thursday, December 24, 2009, 9:40
- M A R I N E, Marine Cargo Insurance
Institute Cargo Clauses 01/01/2009
Following an extensive period of world-wide consultation going back to 2006, the Joint Cargo Committee released revised Institute Cargo Clauses A, B and C, along with accompanying Institute Cargo Clauses War and Institute Cargo Clauses Strikes, on 24 November 2008.
The new clauses are dated 1 January 2009
Copies of the revised clauses, both in "clean" and in "specimen" format can be accessed via the links below:
Full story- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 14:03
- M A R I N E, Marine Cargo Insurance
- Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:19
- Aero Engine Insurance, Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Burglary Insurance, Civil Engineering Completed, Clauses, Comprehensive Machinery, Comprehensive Project (CPI), Containers Insurance, Contractors' Plant & Machinery, Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), Deterioration of Stock (DoS), Directors’ & Officers’, E N G I N E E R I N G, Earthquake Insurance, Electronic Equipment (EEI), Employers' Liability, Environment Liability, Erection All Risks (EAR), Fire Insurance, Freight Forwarders Liability, General Liability, Hull & Machinery (H&M), L I A B I L I T Y, M A R I N E, Machinery Insurance (MI), Machinery LoP, Marine Cargo Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Money Insurance, Motor Vehicle, O T H E R S, P R O P E R T Y, Personal Accident, Professional Indemnity (PI), Property All Risks (PAR), Protection & Indemnity (P&I), Terminal Operators Liability, Workmen Compensation, Yacht & Boat Insurance
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