Archive for the ‘Freight Forwarders Liability’ Category

Freight Forwarder: Sebagai Agen Atau Principal? dan Tanggung Jawab Hukumnya

"Freight forwarder" adalah salah satu mata rantai penting dalam rangkaian pemasok jasa logistik. Sejauh ini tidak ada definisi standar mengenai "freight forwarder". Menurut definisi Federasi Internasional dari Asosiasi-Asosiasi "Freight Forwarder" atau FIATA (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés) yang bisa dilihat di situs resminya (terjemahan bebas), "freight forwarding" berarti pekerjaan jasa ... Full story

Forwarder Liability : Kasus “Form E” – Hati-Hati Menangani Impor Barang Dari China

Forwarder Liability : Kasus “Form E” – Hati-Hati Menangani Impor Barang Dari China
ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), tapi banyak juga yang menyebut CAFTA semata karena singkatannya lebih mudah diucapkan, adalah salah satu skema kerja sama antara negara-negara ASEAN dengan China, dalam hal perdagangan bebas. CAFTA merupakan tindak lanjut ... Full story

Standard Trading Condition (STC) – GAFEKSI. What’s Your Limit of Liability?

Standard Trading Condition (STC) – GAFEKSI. What’s Your Limit of Liability?
Tanggung jawab perusahaan Freight Forwarders anggota GAFEKSI/INFA telah mengadopsi Limit of Liability yang setara dengan International Conventions yang umumnya sbb: Full story

Prinsip Tanggung Jawab Dalam Pengangkutan

  1.   Prinsip tanggung jawab berdasarkan kesalahan (fault liability) 2.   Prinsip tanggung jawab berdasarkan praduga (presumption of liability) 3.   Prinsip tanggung jawab mutlak (absolute / strict liability)   Full story

What is a Bill of Lading?

What is a Bill of Lading?
What is a Bill of Lading?     1)       It is a Document of Title (bukti kepemilikan barang)   2)       It is an evidence of a contract of affreightment (kontrak pengangkutan)   3)       It is an evidence of cargo being carried onboard a ship, Full story

Freight Forwarders’ Liability Insurance : Apa & Mengapa?

Freight Forwarders’ Liability Insurance : Apa & Mengapa?
Apa itu Freight Forwarders?   Menurut situs GAFEKSI (Gabungan Forwarder & Ekspedisi Indonesia) atau INFA (Indonesian Forwarders Associations); Jasa Ekspedisi Angkutan Barang (Freight Forwarding Services) merupakan jasa yang berhubungan dengan penerimaan, angkutan, pengkonsolidasian, penyimpanan, penyerahan, Logistik dan atau distribusi barang Full story

What is a Special Drawing Right (SDR)?

What is a Special Drawing Right (SDR)?
Protocol (SDR Protocol) amending the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading of 25 August 1924 (The Hague Rules) as amended by the Protocol of 23 February 1968 (Visby Rules), 21 December 1979 (SDR Protocol 1979)     The limit under SDR Protocol 1979 - 2 SDRs per kg or 666.67 SDRs per package, whichever is higher   What is the value of an SDR? How can one calculate the value of an SDR? What is today's value of the SDR? Where can I get more information?   Full story

Bill of Lading – What’s your “Paramount Clause”?

Bill of Lading – What’s your “Paramount Clause”?
Paramount Clause under “Bill of Lading” is very important to establish your Limit of Liability (Carriers Responsibility). Please check your reversed side B/L and see what’s your “Paramount Clause”. In respect of carriage of goods by sea, there are currently four international conventions:   Full story

The Rotterdam Rules 2008

The Rotterdam Rules 2008
The Rotterdam Rules 2008 is scheduled to be opened for signature (ratification) by state parties to the United Nations on 23 September 2009.   The key points to The Rotterdam Rules 2008:   Full story

Freight Forwarders’ Liability Insurance

Untuk membaca versi bahasa Indonesia, Silakan klik disini Freight Forwarders In summay Freight Forwarding Services are to include following sectors: ·   Ocean freight forwarder / NVOC ·   Air freight forwarder / air cargo agent ·   Customs Agent ·   Road haulier ·   In transit warehousing ·   Packing / Consolidating   So Many Claims Getting goods from point A to B usually involves numerous parties in the supply chain. When things go wrong and substantial losses are incurred, who will be held liable?   Any number of parties can instigate legal proceedings:   ·         The cargo owner - your customer ·         Sub-contractors ·         Owners or operators of the vessel, aircraft or truck carrying the cargo ·         Authorities ·         Third parties to whom you owe a duty of care   Claims can be made under a contract, standard terms of trade, ocean bill of lading or airway bill. Additionally, third party claims in tort, bailment and statutory liabilities can catch you unaware. It is even more difficult when a customer brings a claim against you. After all, the success of your business depends on customer relationships. What risks do we insure?   Full story

Freight Forwarders’ Liability Insurance

Please click here! to read its English version Freight Forwarders Menurut situs GAFEKSI (Gabungan Forwarder & Ekspedisi Indonesia) atau INFA (Indonesian Forwarders Associations); Jasa Ekspedisi Angkutan Barang (Freight Forwarding Services) merupakan jasa yang berhubungan dengan penerimaan, angkutan, pengkonsolidasian, penyimpanan, penyerahan, Logistik dan atau distribusi barang beserta jasa tambahan dan jasa pemberian nasehat yang terkait dengannya, termasuk kegiatan kepabeanan dan perpajakan, kewajiban pemberitahuan tentang barang untuk keperluan instansi pemerintah, penutupan asuransi barang dan pengutipan atau pembayaran tagihan atau dokumen yang berhubungan dengan barang tersebut.   Secara garis besar Freight Forwarding Services meliputi: ·  Ocean freight forwarder  /NVOC ·  Air freight forwarder /air cargo agent ·  Customs Agent ·  Road haulier ·  In transit warehousing ·  Packing / Consolidating   Full story
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