Archive for the ‘Contractors’ All Risks (CAR)’ Category

CEAR – Construction and Erection All Risk

Large and technically challenging engineering projects involve a large array of risks – beginning with the planning phase through construction to commissioning. These risks should be covered as comprehensively as possible: the new Construction Erection All Risks Policy (CEAR policy). The CEAR policy for covering construction all risks and erection all risks is clearly structured and unambiguously worded. It may be adapted flexibly to the complex ... Full story

Perhitungan premi tambahan dalam Polis Contractors’ All Risks (CAR)

Perhitungan premi tambahan dalam Polis Contractors’ All Risks (CAR)
Akhir-akhir ini muncul perdebatan apakah perhitungan premi kenaikan TSI dan tambahan extension-period dalam polis CAR dihitung pro-rata basis atau charged in full? Calculation of sum insured and premium Sum insured The sum insured must be equal to the amount stated in the building contract, plus the value of any construction material supplied and/or additional work performed by the principal. Any ... Full story


It is hereby agreed and understood that the Third Party Liability Clause shall be extended for the maintenance period specified in the Schedule to indemnify the Insured in respect of such sums which the Insured shall become legally liable for, a) Bodily Injury (including death resulting therefrom) to the third parties b) Loss of or damage to property belonging ... Full story

Endorsement 102: Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities

Endorsement 102: Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities
Apakah putusnya jaringan kabel serat optik PT. Telkom dan pipa PAM Palyja yang menyebabkan kerugian miliaran rupiah akibat mesin ekskavator yang tengah mengerjakan proyek pembangunan jalan layang non-tol (JLNT) Kampung Melayu-Tanah Abang tidak sengaja mengeruk tanah yang di dalamnya ada kabel serat optik PT. Telkom dan pipa PAM Palyja dijamin dalam asuransi CAR si kontraktor JLNT?? Full story

Contractors’ & Erections All Risks (CAR/EAR) – Quotation

Contractors’ & Erections All Risks (CAR/EAR) - Quotation
Here is sample of a Quotation of Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) / EAR Project   Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) / EAR covers all risks of loss or damage to construction of the project or erection of machinery and Third Party Liability as well   Project Construction is of huge value and considerably high risks, it is designed to give full and comprehensive cover with set s of clauses to include Offsite Storage, Designer Risks, Existing Property, Transit Risks, 50/50 Clause, etc etc   Full story

Asuransi Contractors’ All Risks (CAR)

Please click here to read its English version     Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Menjamin semua risiko kerusakan atau kerugian yang terjadi dalam proses pembangunan atau konstruksi (kecuali beberapa risiko saja yang tercantum dalam pengecualian) Jaminan Asuransi Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) termasuk: ·   Jaminan untuk Kebakaran, Petir, Ledakan, Kejatuhan Pesawat dan Asap ·   Jaminan untuk Kerusuhan, Pemogokan, Perbuatan Jahat dan Huru Hara ·   Jaminan untuk Angin Topan, Badai, Banjir dan Kerusakan akibat Air ·   Jaminan untuk Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami ·   Jaminan untuk Tanah Longsor dan Pergerakan Tanah ·   Jaminan untuk Perampokan dan Pencurian ·   Jaminan untuk Kesalahan desain (faulty design) - optional ·   Jaminan untuk Kesalahan atau kelalaian tenaga kerja (bad workmanship) ·   Jaminan untuk Kecelakaan lainnya.   Full story
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