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Full story- Saturday, July 28, 2012, 16:59
- Marine Cargo Insurance
Asuransi pengangkutan barang (marine cargo) tersedia dalam berbagai jaminan (clauses) baik melalui darat, laut dan udara untuk berbagai jenis kargo
Full story- Sunday, February 13, 2011, 16:42
- Marine Cargo
Pertanyaan yang selama ini menjadi perdebatan dikalangan praktisi asuransi marine cargo, Apakah “Loading-Unloading” dijamin di ICC 1/1/82 (Institute Cargo Clauses 1/1/82)?
Full story Marine Cargo Insurance covers your moving cargo from one place to another by sea, air or inland transit covers are provided under Institute Cargo Clause “A” (ICC “A”), ICC “B” or ICC “C”. Clause “A” covers all risks whist Clause “B” and “C” cover named perils.
Marine Cargo Insurance is normally issued on single voyage or on open cover
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