Harap dicatat: Dalam hal klaim kerusakan lambung dan mesin kapal serta tanggung jawab hukum akibat tabrakan (kapal v kapal dan objek tetap dan mengambang) Pand I Club umumnya tidak terlibat. Hal ini karena Jaminan Asuransi Kapal umumnya telah mencakup 4/4 RDC & FFO.
Jika sebaliknya, polis H&M anda tidak menjamin atau tidak sepenuhnya menjamin tanggung jawab hukum tabrakan ...
Full story Bagaimana menghitung proporsi klaim “Collision Liability” antara Polis H&M (Hull & Machinery) dan P&I (Protection & Indemnity)? Ternyata tidak mudah membuat ilustrasi perhitungan klaim “Collision Liability” dimana melibatkan polis H&M dan P&I.
Full story- Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 22:38
- Hull & Machinery
Collision is one of the few areas where third party liabilities may be covered by the hull policy. Traditionally, the English hull policy covered 3/4ths of the collision risks and the P&I Clubs the remaining 1/4th.
Full story Assume that both vessels in an example collision are insured for 3/4th collision liability with their hull underwriters and for 1/4th with their P&I Clubs. In the example vessel A is 75% to blame for the collision and vessel B is 25% to blame.
Full story