Apa perbedaan General Liability v Professional Liability?

Banyak yang bingung apakah suatu klaim dijamin dalam Polis General Liability atau Professional Liability?

General Liability

The Company will pay to or on behalf of The Insured all sums which The Insured shall become legally liable to pay by way of compensation and all costs awarded against the Insured in respect of Personal Injury or Property Damage or Advertising Liability happening during the Period of Insurance caused by an Occurrence within the Territorial Limits in connection with the Business of the Insured

Professional Liability

The Company agrees to pay to or on behalf of the Insured for Loss arising from any Claim first made against an Insured during the Period of Insurance for breach of professional duty by the Insured in the conduct of the Professional Business Practice

*wordings may vary for some policies

Simply put – General Liability applies to those losses that involve actual bodily injury, death or damage to physical property.  These losses usually emanate either from premises you own, rent or occupy, or a product or service you offer for sale to the public.  There is no coverage provided under these policies for economic damages that arise out of your performing or failure to perform professional services. In contrast, Professional Liability policies respond to losses of an economic nature (not bodily injury or property damage) usually caused through negligence in performing or failing to perform professional services.

Walaupun tidak semua polis PL (Professional Liability) mengecualikan TPPD (Third Party Property Damage) dan TPBI (Third Party Bodily Injury). PL umumnya menjamin kerugian ekonomi / finansial akibat pelaksanaan atau gagal melaksanakan jasa profesi yang umumnya berupa advice, report, survey, dll, sementara GL (General Liability) menjamin TPPD dan TPBI yang timbul dari risiko premises, operation, dan product

Setiap pekerjaan / aktivitas bisnis memerlukan GL bahkan untuk bangunan tempat usaha rumah, kantor, gudang, pabrik

Hanya pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan advice, report, survey, dan jasa professional seperti medis, hukum, financial, akuntan, konsultan, broker, dll memerlukan PL

GL adalah tangung jawab hukum atas klaim TPPD dan TPBI

PL adalah tangung jawab hukum atas klaim kerugian financial (tidak harus ada TPPD dan TPBI)

Perbedaan lainnya

GL is typically written on an “occurrence” basis.
PL is written on a “claims made” basis.

GL covers damages arising out of an a/e firm’s day-to-day operations, excluding professional services.
PL covers damages arising out of an a/e firm’s professional services.

GL limits are not eroded by defense costs. Defense costs are unlimited and sit outside the limits of liability.
PL limits are, typically, eroded by defense costs. In other words, the liability limit covers both defense and indemnity payments.

GL allows Additional Insureds.
PL does not allow Additional Insureds.

GL may be scheduled under an Umbrella (Excess) Liability Policy.
PL cannot be scheduled under an Umbrella (Excess) Liability Policy.

Masih Bingung?

Hhm… begini contohnya

GL : Pekerjaan konstruksi –> gedung terbakar –> crane jatuh –> TPPD / TPBI

PL : Salah design –> gedung miring atau jembatan ambruk

GL : Surveyor / Appraisal –> kecelakaan kerja –> TPPD / TPBI

PL : Surveyor / Appraisal –> under-valued assets –>Financial Loss

GL : Perusahaan computer –> salah instalasi –> terbakar –>TPPD / TPBI

PL : Perusahaan computer –> salah program –> virus –>  transaksi keuangan kacau

Mereka yang memerlukan PL (namun juga perlu GL)

Accountants, Stockbrokers, Auctioneers, Tax agents, Finance brokers, Surveyors, Engineers, Architects Real Estate agents, Solicitors, Mortgage broker, Advertising agents, Child Care centres, Charitable organizations, School/Colleges, Entertainment, Travel Agent, Other professionals

Mereka yang memerlukan GL (tidak perlu PL)

Rumah tinggal, kantor, gudang, pabrik, toko, restoran, café, supermarket, tukang pasang AC, dll

Masih Bingung? Call me at +628128079130 or email at imusjab@qbe.co.id or imusjab@gmail.com


(Professional Liability insurance is also known as Errors & Omissions  insurance.)

Di summary dari berbagai sumber terutama dari  askforinsurance.com, commercialinsurance.net dan aepronet – thank you

About the Author

has written 1869 stories on this site.

One Comment on “Apa perbedaan General Liability v Professional Liability?”

  • Anonymous wrote on 2 August, 2013, 14:04

    Dear Pak Imam,
    tarif GL lebih kurang brp ya pakk

    waduh banyak faktor underwriting yang harus diperhatikan, Pak baru dimasukkan ke “mesin rater” ha..ha.. yang paling mempengaruhi premi adalah : scope of works/line of business, turn over, Limit of Liability, Deductibles, Territorial Limit and Jurisdiction, Claims Records, etc

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