Training Calendar 2018 (By Month)

Whether you’re interested in developing your own career or you have responsibility for the training needs of others, you’ll find everything you need in this directory to build your training course programme with us.


LIA-06 A short course on Professional Indemnity Insurance. with special focus on Coverage and Claims (Engineers, Architects and Surveyors) (in English with Ir Pooba Mahalingam) 

BAS-01 Basic General Insurance : Prinsip-Prinsip & Praktik Asuransi, Produk-Produk Asuransi dan Proses Underwriting 

BAS-09 Dasar-Dasar Reasuransi (Introduction to the fundamentals of reinsurance) 

BAS-04 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri, Uang dan Fidelity (Understanding Personal Accident, Money and Fidelity Insurances and Claim Issues) 

LIA-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi D&O (Underwriting & Claims Aspects of Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance) 


ENG-02 Bedah Polis & Klaim Asuransi Komprehensif Mesin (CMI) (Understanding The Comprehensive Machinery Insurance (Cmi) & Claim) 

MAR-05 Pembahasan Hukum Maritim Nasional dan Internasional dan kaitannya dengan penyelesaian klaim asuransi marine (Introduction To Maritime Law & Insurance Acts) 

ENG-05 CEAR insurance, a complete review of the concept and coverage, underwriting issues, common claim triggers and current market development with special notes on how CEAR and PAR work harmoniously

BAS-02 Asuransi Kebakaran & Gempa Bumi (Fundamental of Fire and Earthquake Insurance) 

BAS-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor (Understanding Motor Vehicle Insurance and Claim Issues) 

MAR-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kapal dan P&I (Undertsanding Hull & Machinery (H&M) and Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurances and Claim Issues) 

PRO-05 Bagaimana melakukan survey dan assesmen risiko asuransi harta benda? (Property Risks Survey and Assessment) 

PRO-03 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) (Underwriting Practice: Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Insurances) 

BAS-08 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Oil & Gas) (Introduction to energy insurance) 

MARCH 2018

BAS-05 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Rekayasa (Engineering) (Fundamental of Engineering Insurances : CAR, EAR, MB, CPM, EEI, CECR) 

MAR-02 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Pengangkutan Barang (Marine Cargo) (Undertsanding Marine Cargo Insurances and Claim Issues) 

MAR-06 Bagaimana melakukan survey dan assessmen risiko asuransi kapal dengan benar? (Risk Survey And Assessment For Hull & Machinery Insurance) 

CLM-02 Prosedur & Perhitungan Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda (Property) (Claim Procedure & Adjustment : Property Insurance) 

ENG-04 Bedah Polis Asuransi Alat Berat : Jaminan polis, klaim dan permasalahannya Understanding Heavy Equipment Insurance & Claim (CPM) 

MAR-07 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Marine (Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Marine Liability) (Underwriting Practice: Marine Insurances (Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Marine Liability)) 

MAR-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Pembangunan Kapal dan Tanggung Jawab Hukum Galangan (Undertsanding Builders Risks and Ship Repairers Liability and Claim Issues) 

SUR-01 Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee : Underwriting and Claims Studies (Bedah Jaminan dan Klaim Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee) 

APRIL 2018

BAS-07 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Hukum (Liability) (Fundamental of Liability Insurances : General & Professional Liability) 

MAR-04 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Freight Forwarders and Port or Terminal Operators Liability (Undertsanding Freight Forwarders and Port or Terminal Operators Liability and Claim Issues) 

REI-01 The “Nuts & Bolts” Of Treaty Reinsurance: Proportional & Non-Proportional Treaty Reinsurance 

CLM-01 Prosedur & Perhitungan Klaim Asuransi Maine Cargo dan Marine Hull) (Claim Procedure & Adjustment : Maine Cargo dan Marine Hull Insurance) 

OIL-01 Upstream & Offshore Energy Insurance – An Advanced Workshop 

PRO-02 101 Klausul-Klausul Polis Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) dan Aplikasinya dalam klaim (Undertsanding 101 Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Clauses and their application) 

ENG-07 Dealing with Contractor’s All Risks (C.A.R) Insurances (Coverage and Claims Issues) (in English with Ir Pooba Mahalingam) (Memahami Jaminan Polis & Klaim Asuransi Konstruksi (C.A.R) 

MAY 2018

BAS-02 Asuransi Kebakaran & Gempa Bumi (Fundamental of Fire and Earthquake Insurance) 

BAS-06 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Marine (Fundamental of Marine Insurances : Marine cargo, Marine Hull and Marine Liability) 

OIL-02 Understanding the Land Rig Insurance 

JWB-01 Jewellers’ Block Insurance 

PRO-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) (Undertsanding Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Insurances and Claim Issues) 

ENG-03 Memahami Polis-Polis Asuransi Engineering : CAR, EAR, MB, LOP MB, EEI & CECR (Understanding The Engineering Insurances : CAR, EAR, MB, LOP MB, EEI & CECR 

15 MAY – JUNE 2018
Pertengahan bulan Mei & Juni 2018 libur training ya, karena bulan puasa butuh energi ekstra bagi fasilitators untuk memberikan presentasi dengan penuh semangat dan juga tidak tersedia makanan dan minuman untuk para peserta ha..ha.. So, kita start lagi abis libur lebaran ya, Mohon maaf lahir batin!

JULY 2018

PRO-04 Asuransi Gangguan Usaha (BI) – cara mudah memahami jaminan, klaim dan perhitungan BI dan cara menentukan harga pertanggun gan BI (Business Interruption – easy understanding of the coverage, claims and formulas and how to set a proper Sum Insured) 

ENG-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Konstruksi, Tuntutan hukum akibat pekerjaan konstruksi : Permasalahan dan prosedur penyelesaian klaimnya (Contractors’ All Risks (Car) & Contractors’ Liability Insurances) 

LIA-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi CGL (Underwriting & Claims Aspects of Commercial General Liability Insurance) 

MAR-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Pembangunan Kapal dan Tanggung Jawab Hukum Galangan (Undertsanding Builders Risks and Ship Repairers Liability and Claim Issues) 

OIL-03 Energy Liabilities – Onshore And Offshore Liability Insurance 

ENG-04 Bedah Polis Asuransi Alat Berat : Jaminan polis, klaim dan permasalahannya Understanding Heavy Equipment Insurance & Claim (CPM) 


BAS-01 Basic General Insurance : Prinsip-Prinsip & Praktik Asuransi, Produk-Produk Asuransi dan Proses Underwriting 

ENG-06 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Rekayasa (CAR/EAR) (Underwriting Practice: Engineering Insurances (CAR/EAR)) 

LIA-02 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Professional Indemnity (Underwriting & Claims Aspects of Professional Indemnity Insurance) 

BAS-09 Dasar-Dasar Reasuransi (Introduction to the fundamentals of reinsurance) 

PRO-03 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) (Underwriting Practice: Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Insurances) 

MAR-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kapal dan P&I (Undertsanding Hull & Machinery (H&M) and Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurances and Claim Issues) 

BAS-02 Asuransi Kebakaran & Gempa Bumi (Fundamental of Fire and Earthquake Insurance) 

CLM-02 Prosedur & Perhitungan Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda (Property) (Claim Procedure & Adjustment : Property Insurance) 


PRO-06 An intensive course on the Property All Risks (PAR) Policy (with a special segment on Machinery Breakdown (MB) coverage) (in English with Ir Pooba Mahalingam) (Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda PAR & MB) 

LIA-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi D&O (Underwriting & Claims Aspects of Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance) 

MAR-02 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Pengangkutan Barang (Marine Cargo) (Undertsanding Marine Cargo Insurances and Claim Issues) 

BAS-03 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor (Understanding Motor Vehicle Insurance and Claim Issues) 

SUR-01 Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee : Underwriting and Claims Studies (Bedah Jaminan dan Klaim Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee) 

BAS-04 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri, Uang dan Fidelity (Understanding Personal Accident, Money and Fidelity Insurances and Claim Issues) 


PRO-05 Bagaimana melakukan survey dan assesmen risiko asuransi harta benda? (Property Risks Survey and Assessment) 

LIA-04 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Liability (CGL, WCI, EL, AL) (Underwriting Practice: Liability Insurances (CGL, WCI, EL, AL) 

SUR-01 Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee : Underwriting and Claims Studies (Bedah Jaminan dan Klaim Surety Bond & Bank Guarantee) 

PRO-02 101 Klausul-Klausul Polis Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) dan Aplikasinya dalam klaim (Undertsanding 101 Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Clauses and their application) 


LIA-05 Praktik Underwriting : Asuransi Professional and D&O Liability (Underwriting Practice: Professional and D&O Liability Insurances 

REI-01 The “Nuts & Bolts” Of Treaty Reinsurance: Proportional & Non-Proportional Treaty Reinsurance 

BAS-06 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Marine (Fundamental of Marine Insurances : Marine cargo, Marine Hull and Marine Liability) 

MAR-04 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Freight Forwarders and Port or Terminal Operators Liability (Undertsanding Freight Forwarders and Port or Terminal Operators Liability and Claim Issues) 

ENG-02 Bedah Polis & Klaim Asuransi Komprehensif Mesin (CMI) (Understanding The Comprehensive Machinery Insurance (Cmi) & Claim) 


BAS-07 Dasar-Dasar Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Hukum (Liability) (Fundamental of Liability Insurances : General & Professional Liability) 

PRO-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda dan Gangguan Usaha (PAR & BI) (Undertsanding Property All Risks (PAR) and Business Interruption (BI) Insurances and Claim Issues) 

CLM-01 Prosedur & Perhitungan Klaim Asuransi Maine Cargo dan Marine Hull) (Claim Procedure & Adjustment : Maine Cargo dan Marine Hull Insurance) 

JWB-01 Jewellers’ Block Insurance 

ENG-01 Bedah Polis dan Klaim Asuransi Konstruksi, Tuntutan hukum akibat pekerjaan konstruksi : Permasalahan dan prosedur penyelesaian klaimnya (Contractors’ All Risks (Car) & Contractors’ Liability Insurances) 

Schedule is subject to change. Minimum participant to run the course : 10 pax

Download Full 2018 Training Directory To see syllabus in details here

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has written 1869 stories on this site.

One Comment on “Training Calendar 2018 (By Month)”

  • Christian Muta wrote on 7 February, 2018, 1:10

    Hi, My name Christian Muta. work at UAP OLD MUTUAL Rwanda. I have almost 15 Years experience.

    For My career I would like to follow the training Calendar 2018. What can I do? Kindly advise

    WOW That’s would be very challenging for us. We might be not able to invite you for public training. but if you could arrange for inhouse training in your office, we would be very pleased to fly Rwanda (ha..ha..)

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