EPI 52 Cold Testing, Hot Testing and Commissioning

It is agreed that in Section 1, Material Damage the following is added to Conditions to Section 1:
For the purpose of this Policy, Cold Testing, Hot Testing and Commissioning shall mean:
(a) Cold Testing
The checking of component parts of machinery or equipment by mechanical, electrical, hydrostatic or other forms of testing under dry run conditions to ensure that the items work, but:
(i) without firing of furnaces or application of direct or indirect heat;
(ii) without use of feedstock or other materials for processing;
(iii) in the case of electrical motors and electrical generating, transforming, converting or rectifying equipment, without connection to a grid or other load circuit.
(b) Hot Testing
The checking of component parts of machinery or equipment under load or operational conditions:
(i) including use of feedstock or other materials for processing or other media to simulate working conditions;
(ii) in the case of electrical motors and electrical generating, transforming, converting or rectifying equipment, including connection to a grid or other load circuit.
(c) Commissioning
The operation of machinery or equipment under production conditions for the purpose of attaining specification requirements and/or for training operational staff:
(i) including use of feedstock or other materials for processing;
(ii) in the case of electrical motors and electrical generating, transforming, converting or rectifying equipment, including connection to a grid or other load circuit.

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