Protection & Indemnity Cover

The underwriter shall indemnify the Assured against those liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, arising from events occurring during the Period of Insurance and incurred by the Assured in respect of the operation of the Insured Vessel.


  1. Life Salvage: Awards in respect of live salvage
  2. Bodily Injury: Bodily Injury to Passengers, Crew and Others
  3. Quarantine: Expenses relating to Disease on Insured Vessel, in respect of Disinfecting, Fuel or towage and port of refuge
  4. Diversion: Expenses in relation to Diversion to Secure Treatment
  5. Repatriation & Forwarding: Expenses incurred in relation to Repatriation & Forwarding of any stowaway, deserter, Crew Member and Passenger
  6. Personal Effects: Liability for Loss of Personal Effects of Crew, Passenger and Others
  7. Total Loss Crew Compensation: Liability for Crew Wages Following Total Loss
  8. Collision: Liabilities Following Collision with Another Vessel
  9. Property Damage: Liability for incidental expenses arising from and damages or compensation for infringement of rights in connection with Fixed & Floating Objects, Non Collision Damage and Other Property
  10. Pollution: Liability and Expenses relating to Pollution Incidents, Damages or Compensation, Minimisation and Clean-up and Order of an Authority
  11. Salvage: Liability for Compensation to Salvor
  12. Accommodation & Maintenance: Expenses of Crew Members following Fire, Collision, Stranding or Contact with any substance other than water.
  13. Towage of an Insured Vessel: Liability and incidental expenses of the Assured which arise out of a contract for the towage of the Insured Vessel.
  14. Towage by an Insured Vessel: Liability arising from towage by an Insured Vessel.
  15. Contracts & Indemnities: Liability under the terms of any contract or indemnity made or given by or on behalf of the Assured under the terms of which facilities or services are to be rendered to the Insured Vessel that is for Bodily Injury and Subject to Underwriter prior written approval
  16. Wreck Removal: Liability and Expenses in relation to Wreck Removal
  17. Cargo Liability: Damage to, Loss or Shortage of, or otherwise arising from the Assured’s responsibility for Cargo
  18. Unrecovered Proportion of General Average from Cargo Interest or Others
  19. Ship’s Proportion of General Average, special charges or salvage not recoverable under the Hull Policies
  20. Fine & Penalties: Fines and penalties upon Assured, Crew Members whom the Assured is legally liable to reimburse in respect of Documentation, Smuggling and Breach of Immigration Laws, Pollution Laws, Act of Employee and Stowaway or Refugee
  21. Enquiries: Expenses incurred in relation to enquiry into the loss or casualty to the Insured Vessel
  22. Expenses Incidental to Shipowning: Discretionary Costs and Expenses incidental to the business of owning, operating or managing ships
  23. Costs & Expenses in relation to Minimisation of Loss
  24. Expenses in relation to Stowaways & Refugees
  25. Legal Costs & Expenses Cover


Source: QBE Marine P&I Cover

Any inquiry please call IMAM MUSJAB at +628128079130

or email



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has written 1869 stories on this site.

5 Comments on “Protection & Indemnity Cover”

  • Fx.Sugiyanto wrote on 10 August, 2010, 13:34

    Mau mempelajari lebih rinci dari Protection & Indemnity berbahasa Indonesia dapat baca buku saya berjudul :” Hukum Asuransi Maritim,Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance” karangan Fx.Sugiyanto dengan Penerbit Salemba Humanika.
    Buku tersebut dapat dijumpai di Toko buku Gramedia.

  • Aris Wibawanto wrote on 29 January, 2015, 15:19

    thanks Pak Imam…

  • Ino wrote on 2 March, 2015, 18:05

    Yth Pak Imam,

    Terkait Permenhub No. 71 TAHUN 2013 tentang : Salvage Dan/Atau Pekerjaan Bawah Air, yang salah satu pasalnya mewajibkan pemilik kapal mempunyai asuransi wreck removal dan/atau P&I, apakah pemilik kapal disini termasuk pemilik kapal asing yang melintasi perairan indonesia ?
    Mohon pencerahannya pak Imam.

    Betul, Pak
    Prosedurnya (mungkin nantinya) syahbandar akan memeriksa semua kapal yang masuk ke pelabuhan (baik bendera Indonesia maupun Asing), tanpa dokumen itu kapal (harusnya) tidak boleh bersandar

  • Ino wrote on 8 April, 2015, 12:38

    melanjutkan jawaban pak Imam diatas, dalam hal kapal asing dokuemn asuransi bisa dari insurer luar negeri. dalam hal kapal berbendara Indonesia, apakah dokumen asuransi harus dari insurer yang terdaftar di OJK ?

    Berdasarkan UU No.40 Tahun 2014 (dan juga peraturan sebelumnya), Semua objek (termasuk kapal) di Indonesia harus diasuransikan oleh perusahaan asuransi yang mendapat izin OJK (artinya harus asuransi di dalam negeri) – Itu kaidah hukumnya, kalau sebagai warga negara / badan usaha harus mematuhi UU

    Namun pada kenyataannya, banyak kapal (berbendera Indonesia) yang diasuransikan di luar negeri – dan OJK masih diam-diam aja ha..ha.. (karena katanya perusahaan asuransi di dalam negeri belum siap)

    Imam MUSJAB

  • Ino wrote on 9 April, 2015, 9:36

    haha begitu ya pak Imam kondisinya? mudah2an dengan adanya inisiatif pendirian konsorsium P&I di indonesia, bisa ditekan hal-hal seperti itu pak 🙂


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