Medical Malpractice Insurance
- Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 14:01
- Liability Casualty, Medical Malpractice
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If you search Google for “Malpraktek” (bahasa Indonesian) you will find 24,200 articles or Malpractice cases.
It is no doubt that Doctors, Hospitals, or any Medical Institution to have Medical Malpractice Insurance to protect its interest against this nature of claims. Medical Malpractice Insurance is a guarantee for patient safety and convenience should this nature of claim arise.
What is Medical Malpractice Insurance ?
It covers Malpractice by Medical Personnel
• Malpractice
is the rendering, or failure to render, medical services, which results in bodily injury, sickness, illness, mental injury or death of a patient
• By Medical Personnel
Covers medical personnel and establishments for negligent acts, errors or omissions arising from Malpractice
Who is the Insured?
This Policy cover all medical personnel: i.e.: (*)
- Company
- Partners
- Directors
- Managements
- Principals
- Employees
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Voluntary workers
- Social workers
- Students
- Subsidiaries
- Former principals, partners, directors or employees
(*) Please ensure that your policy cover all of those personnel, some policy may vary.
What does Medical Malpractice Insurance Cover ?
It covers Legal Liability and Law Costs and Expenses
is to indemnify the Insured against legal liability for any Claim for compensation first made against the Insured during the Period of Cover and which is notified in writing to during the Period of Cover arising from Malpractice by reason of any negligent act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed on the part of the Insured
• Law Costs and Expenses
is to pay, the Costs and Expenses incurred with the written consent of in the defence or settlement of any Claim covered by this Policy.
Medical Malpractice Insurance provides Automatic Cover for:
• Libel and Slander
• Loss of Documents
• Coroner’s Enquiries
• Emergency First Aid
• Students
• Newly Created or Acquired Entity or Subsidiary
• Run-Off Cover Insured Entity or Subsidiary
• Estates and Legal Representatives
Off course this policy contains some exclusion such as clinical trial, cosmetic surgery, nuclear and terrorism
This policy does not cover liability in respect of
•Prior or Pending
•Fraud and Dishonesty
•Assumed Duty or Obligation
•Clinical Trials
•Related or Associated Entities
•Obligation to Employees
•Occupiers Liability and Property Damage
•Intoxicants and Drugs
•Fines and Penalties
•Supply of Goods
•Absolute Asbestos
•Elective Cosmetic Surgery
Please assure that your policy provides full coverages, some policies may vary
To obtain a Quote, Proposal Form
Or any Inquiry
Please call me at +628128079130
Or email:
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Medical Malpractice prasojo soedjatmiko
Dokter ”Kejar Setoran” Memicu Malpraktek
ricca skin care medan = jalan ;gede no 64 ,phone -061-4566291. titel > dr prasojo md ,< ternyata dokter gadungan yg malakukan praktek bedah kecantikkan yg merusak wajah , , silakan kirim email maupun foto bagi yg rusak atas perbuatan dari mereka di email ini , karna kami sedang kumpul kan para korban dari prasojo dan istri yg ciri tangan nya ada bekas jahitan,