Marine Liability

Marine Liability

Tanggung Jawab Hukum Pengangkutan Barang

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  1. Transport Operators Liability

(Freight Forwarders Liability)

  1. A.    Apa itu Freight Forwarders?
  2. B.    Mengapa Anda butuh Transport Operators Liability?
  3. C.    Bukankah sudah ada Marine Cargo Insurance?
  4. D.    Apa yang dijamin dalam Transport Operators Liability?
  5. E.    Cargo Liability
  6. F.    Third Party Liability
  7. G.    Liability for Fines and Duty
  8. H.    Claims Expenses
  9. I.      Siapa saja yang bisa klaim
  10. J.     kepada Transport Operators?
  11. K.    Limit of Liability : Berapa jumlah ganti ruginya?
  12. L.    Berapa rate / preminya?
  13. M.   Proposal Form
  1. Port & Terminal Operators Liability
  1. A.    Insured Operations : Ruang lingkup pekerjaan yang dijamin
  2. B.    Port & Terminal Liability (LSW 1510 1/04)
  3. C.    Fire Extension (Liability) LSW 1511 1/04
  4. D.    Advice and Information Extension (Liability) LSW 1512 1/04
  5. E.    Fines and Duty Extension (Liability) LSW 1513 1/04
  6. F.    Infringement of Personal Rights Extension (Liability) LSW 1514 1/04
  7. G.    Wrongful Delivery of Cargo Extension (Liability) LSW 1515 1/04
  8. H.    Property Damage Wording LSW1516 1/04
  9. I.      Earthquake Extension Clause (Property) LSW1517 1/04
  10. J.     Handling Equipment (LSW1519)
  11. K.    Business Interruption (LSW1522)
  12. L.    Port Vessels
  13. M.   Proposal Form
  1. Stevedores Liability
  1. A.    Liability to the Vessels, their Equipment and Cargo
  2. B.    Liability to other Property and Equipment
  3. C.    Loss of Life / Bodily Injury
  4. D.    Legal costs and expenses
  5. E.    Proposal Form


Waktu Training : 3 x 3 jam (setiap hari Sabtu jam 09.00 s/d 12.00)

Investasi : Rp 5.000.000 (Lima juta rupiah)


Tel +628128079130 or email: or

For more details about the facilitator please download MyComplete CV or visit:


Marine Liability

About the Author

has written 1869 stories on this site.

One Comment on “Marine Liability”

  • chomes wrote on 25 September, 2015, 14:15

    selamat siang pak Imam,
     mohon pencerahannya, Apa yang dimaksud dan dijamin dalam Marine Liability? Adakah contoh Klausula/wording Marine Liability..
    terima kasih sebelumnnya.

    Marine Liability ada banyak jenisnya
    Transport Operators Liability
    Port & Terminal Operators Liability
    Stevedores Liability
    Marine Professional Negligence Insurance (MPI)

    wordings ada tentunya di kantor

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