Apa yang dijamin dalam 3/4THS COLLISION LIABILITY?
- Sunday, January 1, 2012, 11:53
- Hull & Machinery, Hull & Machinery (H&M)
- 1 comment
Perhatikan “Clause 8” Institute Time Clauses – Hulls Clause 280 berikut ini
Clause 8 – 3/4THS COLLISION LIABILITY menjamin 3/4 bagian (atau 75%) jumlah ganti rugi yang menjadi kewajiban tertanggung atas tanggung jawab hukum yang timbul dari tabrakan kapal yang diasuransikan dengan kapal lain. Tanggung jawab hukum yang dijamin adalah atas:
- Kerugian atau kerusakan kapal atau harta benda diatas kapal lainnya
- Keterlambatan atau kehilangan penggunaan atas kapal atau harta benda lainnya tsb di atas
- General average dan salvage, biaya-biaya penyelamatan atas kapal atau harta benda lainnya tsb di atas
Apa yang dimaksud dengan ”harta benda diatas kapal”?
Ya tentu saja termasuk kargo, personal effects atau peralatan lainnya di atas kapal yang bukan merupakan bagian dari kapal.
Ingat! Jaminan hanya terbatas pada tabrakan kapal v kapal, dan bukan kapal v objek lainnya (alias tidak menjamin FFO)
Batasan ganti rugi dalam 3/4THS COLLISION LIABILITY adalah maksimum sebesar 3/4 bagian (atau 75%) dari harga pertanggungan atas kapal dan dibayarkan ”in addition” di atas ganti rugi lainnya.
Sudah jelas? Kalau masih bingung please give me a call at +628128079130 or drop me email at imusjab@qbe.co.id
By Imam MUSJAB source: ITCH dan R.H. brown – Analysis of Marine Insurance Clauses Book 2
What is a 3/4ths Collision Liability?
Fixed and Floating Objects (FFO)
Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Cover
8.1 The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for three-fourths of any sum or sums paid by the Assured to any other person or persons by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable by way of damages for
8.1.1 loss of or damage to any other vessel or property on any other vessel
8.1.2 delay to or loss of use of any such other vessel or property thereon
8.1.3 general average of, salvage of, or salvage under contract of, any such other vessel or property thereon,
where such payment by the Assured is in consequence of the Vessel hereby insured coming into collision with any other vessel.
8.2 The indemnity provided by this Clause 8 shall be in addition to the indemnity provided by the other terms and conditions of this insurance and shall be subject to the following provisions:
8.2.1 where the insured Vessel is in collisions with another vessel and both vessels are to blame then, unless the liability of one or both vessels becomes limited by law, the indemnity under this Clause 8 shall be calculated on the principle of cross-liabilities as if the respective Owners had been compelled to pay to each other such proportion of each other’s damages as may have been properly allowed in ascertaining the balance or sum payable by or to the Assured in consequence of the collision.
8.2.2 In no case shall the Underwriters total liability under Clauses 8.1 and 8.2 exceed their proportionate part of three-fourths of the Insured value of the Vessel hereby insured in respect of any one collision.
8.3 The Underwriters will also pay three-fourths of the legal costs incurred by the Assured or which the Assured may be compelled to pay in contesting liability or taking proceedings to limit liability, with the prior written consent of the Underwriters.
8.4 Provided always that this Clause 8 shall in no case extend to any sum which the Assured shall pay for or in respect of
8.4.1 removal or disposal of obstructions, wrecks, cargoes or any other thing whatsoever
8.4.2 any real or personal property or thing whatsoever except other vessels or property on other vessels
8.4.3 the cargo or other property on or the engagements of, the insured Vessel
8.4.4 loss of life, personal injury or illness
8.4.5 pollution or contamination of any real or personal property or thing whatsoever (except other vessels with which the insured Vessels is in collision or property on such other vessels)
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