Dealing with Contractor’s All Risks (C.A.R) Insurances (Coverage and Claims Issues)

Programme Highlights
Indonesia has seen an increase in large infrastructure development projects cropping up in recent years. Accordingly, the demand for Construction and Engineering-related insurances has grown steadily to cover such risks. This two day intensive course comprising lectures and case studies will enable participants to acquire sound technical knowledge of one of the main Engineering insurance classes to effectively appreciate this insurance policy and coverage. Issues of dealing with CAR claims aspects will also be addressed during this session.

Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
1. Identify the scope and coverage of the Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) policies, and describe how the various policy conditions, extensions and exclusions are applied.
2. Compare and contrast the scope and application of the Contractors’ All Risks policy vis-à-vis the Fire, as well as the Erection All Risks policies, and highlight their similarities and key differences.
3. Highlight the main claims conditions applicable to both types of policies and describe the typical claims handling process, as well as the role of the loss adjuster in dealing with complex claims.
4. Appreciate the various endorsements and clauses applicable to the class of policy.
5. Describe the steps involved in application of policy excess, salvage and “other insurance” in claims settlements.

Programme Outline
•  Overview of Engineering Insurance and types of available cover.
•  What is covered?
•  Who are the insured parties?

Contractors’ All Risks
•  Subject Matter of Coverage
•  Structure of Policy
•  Scope of Cover
•  Policy Schedule
•  Period of Cover
•  Sum Insured
•  Basis of Loss Settlement
•  Common Extensions/ clauses
•  Design coverage
•  Case Studies

General Claim Issues
•  General Claims Conditions
•  Basis of Loss Settlement
•  Claims Notification
•  Loss Adjusters’ Duties
•  Claims Disputes
•  Ex-Gratia Payments

Who Should Attend
This two day course will be ideal for Underwriters, claims personnel (Insurers), Brokers and consumers -construction engineers, project managers, Consultants, QS and other project team members who may wish to expand their technical knowledge of this specialised contract element.

Trainer’s Profile : Ir. Pooba Mahalingam
Our guest speaker is a professional engineer (registered with Board of Engineers, Malaysia) with over 25 years of experience in construction, insurance and loss adjusting. He is currently based in Singapore and has dealt with construction, engineering and property risks and claims for various insurance companies and reinsurers. He was previously attached to a global claims management company in Singapore and was assigned to Christchurch, New Zealand as a member of the CAT loss team handling the 2011 earthquake claims. He also managed reinsurance claims for a regional Insurance company in Singapore where he dealt with complex engineering issues.
Pooba has previous experience working with an international loss adjusting firm in Kuala Lumpur where he was responsible for mega projects risk management and claims handling. This included the following large construction risks -KLIA, KLCC, KL Tower, LRT I & II, Sprint Highway and Smart Tunnel. He also gained further regional engineering exposure when he handled assignments in Brunei, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Hong Kong.
Our speaker has handled some high profile engineering/ construction cases in the past and is a well-known presenter on project risks and claims handling procedures in the region. He is able to present both in English and Bahasa Malaysia. He also conducts training for M.I.I, S.C.I, A.I.C.L.A, IEM, BCA and other regional bodies. He is actively involved in industry activities both in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Training Schedule
Date : 15-16 November 2018
Duration : 2 days
Time : 8.30am – 5.00pm
Venue : Ayana MidPlaza Hotel, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav.10-11 Jakarta
Investment : Rp4,500,000 per delegate (Rp4,000,000 per delegate (for 3 or more delegates from same company))

Workshop in English and bahasa Indonesia

Claimable : 12 CIP Points

Syllabus and Registration Form attached

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