Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance – Quotation
- Monday, June 8, 2009, 16:37
- All Quotes, Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
Asuransi Protection & Indemnity (P&I) menjamin tuntutan hukum pihak ketiga dalam hal terjadi kerugian yang ditimbulkan dalam pengoperasian kapal.
Jaminan P&I meliputi:
1. Cargo Liability: Jaminan terhadap kerusakan kargo yang diangkutnya
2. Crew Liability: Jaminan terhadap cidera badan dan kematian awak kapal
3. Collision Liability: Jaminan risiko tabrakan kapal terhadap kapal lain, kargo yang dimuat ataupun terhadap benda-benda lainnya
4. Pollution Liability: Jaminan terhadap klaim kerusakan lingkungan atau polusi
5. Other Claims: Klaim-klaim yang lain seperti biaya-biaya penyelamatan pengangkatan bangkai kapal, dan lain-lain
Termasuk biaya-biaya hukum, survey dan pemeriksaan lainnya
Berikut contoh Quotation – Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance
Nama, objek pertanggungan, harga dan rate yang muncul dalam penawaran adalah ilustrasi semata
Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance covers third party liability claims arising out of the operation of the vessel i.e. Cargo Liability, Crew Liability, Collision Liability, Pollution Liability and Others including Legal costs and expenses
Here is an example of Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance Quotation, names, objects, values and rates appear on this Quotation are for illustration only
Please click Quotation, Links or Picture to open or download
· Quotation – Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance
· Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance
Should you have any inquiry please give me a call
Tel +628128079130
Picture, source: google
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4 Comments on “Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Insurance – Quotation”
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I ask about the explanation P&I Insurance if crew work on board ship . how do I know about P & I Insurance for crew ?
I have a call to join and work on overseas ships, to be exact dutch company, they asked about insurance for the crew who worked at the company, according to their explanations, non-EU crew who can not under Dutch social security insurance. but they give an opinion about the P & I Insurance. I do not understand about P & I Insurance? please explain in detail?
Pak Imam Musjab, I’m sorry to interfere you, and in you don’t mind,
May I explain to what Golfrit asking about.
It is so simple, you must read carefully your personal Crew contract, that’s all.
The shipping company who employed you as a crew on board will be liable on the contractual liability under the Crew contract.
No matter whether the vessel covered with a P&I Insurance, it is their concerned, in other word if you have claimed against the vessel due to an accident, the Shipping company shall be liable to pay your claim, and in turn they can seek reimbursement for what they paid to you against the P&I.
I would suggest you may ask the Master or the CO in which P&Î Club is the vessel covered with, and you can read the rules book which I believe is available in the Master Cabin
I hope this will calrified bto you
Kind regards,
Author of :buku :Hukum Asuransi Maritim, Protection & Indemnity”Insurance” in bahasa Indonesia.
Thank you very much Pak for the explanation. that’s the correct procedure i believe.
i have been discussing this issue, because for “out-sourcing” contract the principal is now insisted that the contractors who sending the crew on board the ship to arrange their own “Crew Liability”, i received some inquiry like this, in fact it’s very difficult to arrange this particular insurance, but some “local insurers” are now able to provide one that they called “Personal Accident for Crew”. It is a simply “Personal Accident” insurance covers death, dis-ablement and some include medical reimbursement. again It is not a crew liability (as per P&I) but a simply P.A.