Fire Insurance – Quotation

Fire Insurance covers named perils known as Flexas i.e. Fire, Lightning, Explosion, impact of Air craft and Smoke it can be extended to give optional cover such as RSMDCC (Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions) and FTSWD (Flood, Typhoon, Storm and Water Damage)


Fire Insurance is subject to PSAKI (Polis Standar Asuransi Kebakaran Indonesia) or Indonesia Standard Fire Insurance


Here is an example of Fire Insurance Quotation


Names, objects, values and rates appear on this Quotation are for illustration only


Should you have any inquiry please give me a call



Tel +628128079130



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Quotation – Fire Insurance

Fire Insurance

Indonesian Standard Fire Insurance Policy (PSAKI)


Picture, source: google

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has written 1869 stories on this site.

5 Comments on “Fire Insurance – Quotation”

  • insurance learning wrote on 19 January, 2011, 9:09

    pak imam bisnis bareng yuks… hubungi email saya ya thanks

    Yuuk Maree

  • ErwanKiryu wrote on 25 August, 2011, 11:52

    Pak Imam klo Klausula Hak Sumber Daya ada gk? Right of Resource Clause untuk Property??

  • bawani ravindran wrote on 29 March, 2012, 12:06

    i needed MAA LIFE insurance quotation

  • ilham wrote on 23 April, 2012, 15:28

    Bos, punya clause NMA 2921 untuk Fire, Terrorisme Exclution?

  • Arga Septian wrote on 19 February, 2014, 18:28

    Dear Pak Imam, saat ini saya sedang handle klaim short circuit mesin printing dengan polis FLEXAS. Mesin printing mengalami short circuit di bagian motor servo, kemudian merembat dan menyebabkan kerusakan pada part yg lain, seperti servo driver, ravter incorder dan CPU nya.
    Kejadian tsb tidak menimbulkan kebakaran secara terbuka (open flame), tanpa ada jelaga (abu bekas kebakaran), tetapi ada bekas gosong . Merujuk pada kondisi polis PSAKI, apakah kejadian tsb tidak dijamin karena tidak terjadi kebakaran secara terbuka? Mohon penjelasannya Pak. Terima kasih

    Itulah yang disebut “Electrical / Mechanical Breakdown” yang tidak dijamin dalam polis PSAKI/PAR. dijamin di Polis MB, Pak

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