Event Cancellation and Non-Appearance Insurance

Event Cancellation & Abandonment

This insurance indemnifies the Insured parties for costs and expenses incurred to organize and produce an entertainment event should the event be cancelled, abandoned, postponed, curtailed or relocated due to a cause beyond the control of the Insured.


This insurance indemnifies the Insured parties for costs and expenses incurred to organize an entertainment event resulting from cancellation, abandonment, postponement, curtailment or rescheduling due to any or all of the following:

• Death, Accident or Illness

• Unavoidable Travel Delay

• Damage or Destruction of Venue

• Political Unrest

• Communicable Disease

• Causes Beyond Insured’s Control


Eligible Events

■ Sporting Events

■ Concerts

■ Theatrical Productions

■ Conferences

■ Indoor/Outdoor Shows

■ Exhibitions


Consider this…

An organizer of an event incurs specific costs. These costs include promotions, staff, catering, security, sales, merchandising, other contracts and perhaps even a preagreed contract with a key or star performer.

Now Consider the losses should any of the following occur:

■ Fire damage to the location

■ Riot

■ Postponement

■ Extreme weather conditions

■ No Show by key performer

■ Relocation


In addition…

There are numerous other contingencies which can occur out of the control of the organizer which could cause a massive financial loss. Each case is considered on its own merit. The following application/proposal form must be completed in order to provide the best consideration.


Browsed and copied from



Asuransi Liability untuk konser musik dan teater (Liability insurance for live music / theatre concerts



About the Author

has written 1869 stories on this site.

2 Comments on “Event Cancellation and Non-Appearance Insurance”

  • Aris Wibawanto wrote on 26 October, 2011, 15:15

    Pak, tanya..apa yang menjadi point of view / underwtriting factors untuk assessed asuransi ini.,
    Bagaimana premium dihitung ?
    Berapa estimasi premi yang reasonable untuk show max 1mio ?

  • sumarni wrote on 12 April, 2012, 15:50

    ass. selamat sore pak imam. mau tanya faktor-2 underwriting untuk produk CGL yang perlu di perhatikan apa saja ya pak? mau tutup konser musik. thanks pak

    Khusus untuk CGL Konser Musik: faktor yang sangat penting adalah: (1) Siapa Penyelenggaranya, pengalamannya dalam konser sejenis, (2) hal-hal lain adalah apakah konser indoor atau outdoor, kapasitas ruangan, estimasi jumlah penonton, factor keamanan, berapa lama konser diselenggarakan, besarnya limit of liability yang diminta, Siapa performing artists nya, siapa penonton nya? kalangan atas atau menengah ke bawah, harga karcis juga mempengaruhi, bahkan jenis aliran musiknya, jazz, K-pop, rock, blues atau dangdut hahaha…

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