Marine Hull and Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
- Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 15:59
- Hull & Machinery (H&M)
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Can you imagine how big is claim arise from this casualty?
· loss or damage to cargo on board the vessel
· loss or damage to the hull and machinery
· loss of life or bodily injury
· pollution
· salvage sue and labour, removal of wreck
· legal costs
· other losses
Marine Hull & Machinery Insurance
Marine Hull & Machinery Insurance gives comprehensive covers for loss or damage to vessel’s hull and machinery against perils of the seas and navigational perils:
It covers loss or damage caused by:
· perils or seas: heavy weather, grounding, sinking and collision
· fire and explosion
· malicious act and theft
· jettison
· piracy
· contact with aircraft
· earthquake, volcanic eruption, and lightning
· negligence of master & crews
· barratry
· collision liability
· general average and salvage
· sue and labour
Type of covers:
1. Clause 280: All Risks or full navigational perils
2. Clause 284:Total Loss + GA and ¾ Collision Liability
3. Clause 289:Total Loss Only
Protection and Indemnity (P&I)
Over hundred years P&I Club is the only organization provide Protection & Indemnity cover, now, insurance company is able to provide one so called Fixed Premium P&I
Protection and Indemnity (P&I) covers liabilities to third parties………….
- CARGO: damage to, loss or shortage of cargo
- COLLISION: collision with another vessel
- PROPERTY DAMAGE: damage to fixed and floating objects and other property
- CREWS CLAIMS: death or injury, repatriation, medical expenses
- ILLNESS & INJURY: stevedores, passengers, etc
- POLLUTION: oil, other substance, clean-up
- OTHER CLAIMS: wreck removal, fine, GA, etc
- LEGAL COSTS & EXPENSES: cost of legal disputes and expenses
Type of Vessels
All type vessels are insurable under Hull & Machinery (H&M) and/or under Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
- – General Cargo Ships
- – Container Ships
- – Bulk Carriers
- – Gas Carriers
- – Passenger Ships
- – Ferry; Roro
- – Heavy Lift
- – Tanker
- – Tug Boats
- – Barges
- – Pilot Boat
- – Survey & Research Ships
- – Fishing Ships
- – Towing & Salvage
- – Yacht
- – Speed Boat
- – War Ships
- – Etc
Classification Society
It is a requirement under Hull & Machinery (H&M) and/or Protection & Indemnity (P&I) that vessels must be classed and class maintained under approved or International Classification Society
- * Bureau Veritas (BV) – Est.1828
- * Lloyd’s Register (LR) – 1834
- * American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) – 1862
- * Det Norske Veritas (DN) – 1864
- * Germanischer Lloyd (GL) – 1867
- * Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) – 1899
- * Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) – 1913
- * China Classification Society (CCS) – 1956
- * Korean Register (KR) – 1960
- * Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) – 1861
- * Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) – 1975
- * Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) – 1964
Rating Factors
Premium for Hull & Machinery (H&M) or under Protection & Indemnity (P&I) are depending on some underwriting factors:
- – Type of vessels, age, and gross tonnage (GRT)
- – Number of Fleets
- – Trading Area or Navigational limit
- – Classification Society
- – Type of Cover and Limit of Liability
- – Management and Ownership
- – Insurance and Loss Record
How to Insure?
To have Hull & Machinery (H&M) or under Protection & Indemnity (P&I) are simply write Proposal Form and submit Ship Particular, and Survey (if necessary).
To have a quote and further inquiry
Please call: +628128079130
Or email:
Institute Time Hull Clauses
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4 Comments on “Marine Hull and Protection & Indemnity (P&I)”
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Met pagi pak Imam…..saya sangat interest sekali untuk mengetahui asuransi kesehatan or JPKM di Indonesia sebagai data untuk materi tesis saya. Saya saat ini sedang menjalani kuliah S2 di AKK Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Jawa Timur. Sangat besar harapan saya untuk bisa mengenal lebih jauh ttg asuransi kesehatan or JPKM. Apakah saya bisa bergabung dengan bapak untuk mendapatkan informasi lbh terperinci…??
Assalamualaikum Mas Imam,
Menunjuk penjelasan mengenai MH & PI, dapat kah mas kirimkan ke email saya bentuk Proposal Form MH & PI tsb ?
IMAM MUSJAB: Sudah diemail pak ya?
Pak, Saya mau pelajari asuransi MH & PI untuk kapal saya, bisakah bapak memberikan gambaran berapa besar premi yang harus saya untuk kapal seukuran 1273 RTdengan jenis Kapal survey
Terima kasih
Terima kasih atas datanya Pak Danil, i working on it.