It is hereby declared and agrees that payment on account of any loss recoverable under this policy will be promptly made by the Insurers to the Insured if so desired by the Insured, provided that such payment are deducted from the finally agreed claim settlement figures. 


The policy extends to indemnify the Insured in respect of architects, surveyors and consulting engineers’ fees necessarily incurred in the reinstatement of the property insured consequent upon its destruction or damage but not for the preparing of any claim.  It being understood that the amount payable for such fee shall not exceed as per schedule


The insurance by this Policy extends to include such additional cost of reinstatement of the destroyed or damaged property thereby insured as may be incurred solely by reason of the necessity to comply with Building or other Regulations under or framed in pursuance of any Government Act or Bye-Law of any Municipal or Local Authority provided that:

1)      The amount recoverable under this Extension shall not include:

a)      the cost incurred in complying with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-laws

i)      In respect of destruction or damage occurring prior to the granting of this extension.

ii)     In respect of destruction or damage not insured by the Policy.

iii)    Under which notice has been served upon the Insured prior to the happening of the destruction or damage.

iv)    In respect of undamaged property or undamaged portions of property.

b)     the additional cost that would have been required to make good the property damaged or   destroyed   to a   condition   equal   to its condition when new had the necessity to comply with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws not arisen.

c)     the  amount  of  any   rate, tax , duty,  development  or   other   charge or assessment, arising out of capital appreciation which may be payable in respect of the property or by the owner  thereof by reason of compliance with any  of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws.

2)     The work of reinstatement must be commenced   and   carried   out   with reasonable despatch and in any   case must be completed within twelve months after the destruction or damage or within such further time as the Insurer may (during the said twelve months) in writing allow and may be carried out wholly or partially upon another side (if the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws so necessitate) subject to the liability of the Insurer under this Extension not being thereby increased.

3)     If the liability of the Insurer under (any item of) the Policy apart from this Extension shall be reduced by the application of any of the terms and conditions of the Policy then the Liability of the Insurer under this Extension (in respect of any such item) shall be reduced in like proportion.

4)     The total amount recoverable under any item of the Policy shall not exceed the sum insured thereby.

5)     All the conditions of the Policy except insofar as they may be hereby expressly varied shall apply as if they had been incorporated herein.



In consideration of the payment of an additional premium which is included in the premium hereon it is hereby agreed and declared that subject to the conditions of the policy loss. as insured by this policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the business in consequence of damage (As within defined) to property at any electricity station or substation, gas works or water works of the public supply undertaking from which the insured obtains electric current, gas or water shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the insured at the premises.


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