Housekeeping and Fire Risk

Poor housekeeping adds significantly to loss severity and frequency of fires. If a risk

is congested (i.e. has a high fire load spread throughout the entire area) you are more likely to experience a total loss of the whole property.


Alternatively if there is separation of fire-prone items then only those items may be destroyed in the area they are contained. The whole building will not be destroyed due to the separation.


The following items are desirable in a risk where housekeeping is concerned:


Ø       Rubbish is to be regularly removed.


Ø       Use and Disposal of flammables is to be controlled through use of enclosed containers and earthing containers whilst decanting flammable liquids.


Ø       Storage of flammables is to be in accordance with regulations.


Ø       The risk is to be tidy with aisle spaces kept clear of storage or waste.


Ø       Extinguishers and hose reels are to be correctly maintained, clearly signposted and clear access maintained at all times.


Ø       External storage of combustibles is to be well away from buildings.


Ø       Grass is to be mown and pose no external threat to buildings.


Ø       Storage heights should not impose high hazard exposures to the building or be of such height that sprinkler heads cannot operate as designed.


Ø       If sprinklers are installed, they should be of a design that will adequately cope with the commodity being protected.


Ø       If smoking is controlled then signs should be displayed and the controls enforced.


Ø       Hot work should be controlled with a permit system and work completion checks.


Ø       The building should be maintained in a proper state of repair. Particularly clear guttering and exposure to weather perils needs to be low.


Ø       Any machinery producing dust or shavings should have automatic pneumatic waste removal to external Hoppers. Accumulations under machines or through the building need to be cleaned regularly.


Ø       Machinery and plant should have planned maintenance programs. Especially key items.


Ø       Stock or goods susceptible to water damage are not to be stored on the floor. Pallets or shelves should be installed to keep items off the floor.



Source: Property Book – QBE

IMAM MUSJAB – 08128079130



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