Machinery Breakdown and Boiler Explosion Clauses (Sub Limit ISR/PAR)

Machinery Breakdown and Boiler Explosion Clauses (Sub Limit ISR/PAR)


Sub limit Machinery Breakdown dan Boiler Explosion adalah hal yang umum sekarang dilekatkan pada polis ISR/PAR alasannya apalagi jika bukan “menghemat premium”. 


Bingung melekatkan klausul yang mana untuk sub limit MB dan Boiler??


Tempel saja polis MB dan PSAKI?


Or you may use these clauses….



Machinery Breakdown Extension Clause


It is hereby declared and agreed that this policy is extended to cover all plant and machinery of the Insured against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from causes such as defects in casting and material, faulty design, faults at workshop or in erection, bad workmanship, lack of skill, carelessness, shortage of watering boilers, physical explosion, tearing apart on account of centrifugal force, short-circuit, storm, or from any other cause not specifically excluded hereinafter, in a manner necessitating repair or replacement.


The insurers shall however not be liable for the following:


1)       loss of or damage to exchangeable tools, e.g. dies, moulds, engraved cylinders, parts which by their use and/or nature suffer a high rate of wear or depreciation , e.g. refractory linings, crushing hammers, objects made of glass, belts, ropes, wires, rubber tyres, operating media , e.g.  lubricants, fuels, catalysts;


2)       loss or damage due to fire, direct lightning, chemical explosion (except fuel gas explosions in boilers),extinguishing of a fire or subsequent demolition, aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped there from; theft burglary or attempts thereat, collapse of buildings, flood, inundation, earthquake, subsidence, landslide, avalanche, hurricane, cyclone, volcanic eruption or similar natural catastrophes;


3)       loss or damage for which a supplier, contractor or repairer is responsible either by law or under contract;


4)       loss or damage caused by any faults or defects existing at the time of commencement of this Policy within the knowledge of the Insured or his representatives, whether such faults or defects were know to the Company or not;


5)       loss or damage as a direct consequence of the continual influence of  operation    (e.g.  wear   and  tear,  flood,  inundation,   cavitations erosion, corrosion, rust, boiler scale)




Boiler Explosion Clause (refer to as Per PSAKI wording chapter 1 item 3)


Explosion in this Policy is deemed to mean any sudden release of energy resulting from the expansion of gases or vapour.


The bursting of a container (boiler, pipe etc.) is considered as an explosion if the walls of the container are torn open to such extent that a sudden equilibrium of the pressure inside and outside the container takes place.


If an explosion occurs inside a container in consequence of a chemical reaction, any damage to the container is indemnifiable even if the walls of the container are not torn open.


Loss or damage caused by implosion is not covered by this Policy.


Loss of or damage to combustion engine resulting from the explosion taking place within the combustion chambers or explosion of any part of electrical switches arising from gas pressure is not covered.


If explosion is also covered by more specific policy, the Insurer shall only indemnify the remaining loss from the amount which should be payable under such other policy as if this Policy does not exist.

About the Author

has written 1869 stories on this site.

8 Comments on “Machinery Breakdown and Boiler Explosion Clauses (Sub Limit ISR/PAR)”

  • bambang wrote on 23 December, 2010, 17:22

    Yth Pak Imam …. Pak apa yang dimaksud dengan SUB LIMIT. Apakah dasarnya menentukan besarnya nilai sub limit ?

    sudah di email pak ya

  • ina wrote on 1 July, 2011, 14:23

    Yth. pak imam..idem dengan pertanyaan pak bambang diatas, tolong di jelaskan apa yg dimaksud dg SUB LIMIT., dasar penentuannya dan apakah sub limit bisa dilekatkan paada asuransi yg bukan all risk??
    terima kasih atas jawabannya..


  • IMAM MUSJAB wrote on 6 July, 2011, 17:33

    secara teori semua polis bisa saja dibuatkan “Sub Limit”, namun tentu pertimbangan underwriters adalah apakah preminya adequate? “Sub Limit” dapat diartikan memberikan batasan ganti rugi tertentu (yang umumnya lebih kecil dari Total Sum Insured / atau Total Limit of Liability atas risiko utama) atas suatu risiko tertentu pula misalnya dalam polis PAR diberikan Sub Limit untuk MB, Sub Limit untuk “Work of Arts”, Sub Limit “Money” dll

  • roy purnomo wrote on 4 December, 2011, 8:48

    Pak Imam . dalam polis PSAKI untuk industri. kalo saya tambahkan perluasan MB termasuk electrical short circuit ( MB + electrical short circuitnya SUB LIMIT ).
    Bisa nggak ya Pak ? Wajar nggak ?


  • IMAM MUSJAB wrote on 7 December, 2011, 8:53

    di PSAKI? belum pernah saya temui Pak (boleh dikata tidak wajar), namun di PAR plus MB and Short citcuit hal itu sudah biasa. kembali ke pasal 1320 KUHPerdata tentang “asas kebebasan berkontrak” bisa menjadi wajar jika disepakati. namun sampai saat ini di PSAKI masih merupakan hal yg “tidak wajar”

  • erna wrote on 11 September, 2012, 15:34

    Pak Imam, kebetulan saya kerja di asuransi dan menangani klaim berupa genset yang disewakan dengan sub limit MB. Kami memakai adjuster utk menilai kerugian tsb, oleh adjuster kami disarankan utk penutupan selanjutnya jangan pernah menutup barang2 yang disewakan dengan sub limit MB. Apakah betul demikian pak, mohon penjelasan,
    Terima kasih.

    Secara Teori Tidak ada masalah, Erena. Namun MB memang memiliki risiko yang tinggi. Jadi harus benar2 satisfied dengan kondisi mesin, maintenance-nya, dan technician-nya tentunya, apalagi untuk “barang disewakan”.

  • michael wrote on 6 October, 2015, 9:45

    Selamat Pagi pak Imam ,

    Pak, boleh dishare jawaban dari pertanyaan  pak Bambang yang menanyakan soal sub limit dan dasar apa yang menentukan TSI dari sub limit tsb.
    Many thanks pak

    secara teori semua polis bisa saja dibuatkan “Sub Limit”, namun tentu pertimbangan underwriters adalah apakah preminya adequate? “Sub Limit” dapat diartikan memberikan batasan ganti rugi tertentu (yang umumnya lebih kecil dari Total Sum Insured / atau Total Limit of Liability atas risiko utama) atas suatu risiko tertentu pula misalnya dalam polis PAR diberikan Sub Limit untuk MB, Sub Limit untuk “Work of Arts”, Sub Limit “Money” dll

  • Jaya wrote on 3 March, 2016, 10:41

    Pak Imam,

    saya mau bertanya apakah penggunaan penulisan “Limit” atau “Sub-Limit” dalam sebuah klausula perluasan memiliki pengertian yang berbeda. Terima Kasih

    SAMA SAJA, Pak

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