It is hereby understood and agree that this policy shall be extended to cover against all direct loss and /or damage caused by the removing of property hereunder insured, from locations or premises affected by the perils insured hereunder, and also to cover during the terms of the (10) days such property in any other place where it should be necessary to move the Insured property in order to preserve it form the perils insured hereunder or to maintain if safe from the perils of occurrence. 


In consideration of the payment of an additional premium this policy extends to indemnity the insured in respect of:

The cost of removal of debris, demolition and any temporary repairs necessary (including the insured’s legal liability for the cost of removal of debris, demolition and temporary repairs in regard to adjoining premises, roadways or waterways as well as on the site) consequent upon the destruction of or damage to any property, insured by the insured’s fire policy (or policies) occasioned by fire or any other peril thereby insured against.

Provided always:

–    that such cost is not recoverable under any other policy of insurance;

–   that the indemnity afforded by this insurance shall not apply to or include liability assumed by the insured under any agreement entered into after the commencing date of this insurance unless such liability would have attached to the insured in the absence of such agreement.

The liability of the company under this clause in respect of any item shall in no case exceed as per schedule.


Insurance on Rent (if any) applies if (any of) the said building(s) or any part hereof is unfit for occupation in consequence of any of the perils hereby insured and then the amount payable shall not exceed such proportion of the sum insured on Rent as the necessary period of unoccupancy bears to the terms of Rent insured under the Policy.


Any salvage or other recovery, after expenses incurred in salvage or recovery are deducted, shall apply as if recovered or received prior to the settlement of the loss, destruction or damage.


It is hereby declared and agreed that this Insurance covers loss of or damage to the insured property caused by its own spontaneous combustion.  Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in the printed conditions of the Policy


Warranted under penalty of nullity of this Policy that during its currency, the storage of goods and the quantity of the goods stored inn or upon the within mentioned premises are in compliance with the Regulations and Laws of the Republic of Indonesia


It is noted and agreed that in respect of goods sold but not yet delivered for which the Insured is responsible and with regard to which under the written or printed conditions of sale the Sale Contract is canceled by reason of the loss or damage indemnified by this Policy either wholly of to the extent of the loss or damage, the liability of the Insurer shall be based on the contract price, and for the purpose of average the value of all goods, to which this clause would in the event of loss or damage be applicable shall be ascertained on the same basis.


Warranted that during the currency of this policy the said factory be silent and that the machinery be not worked, except for the purpose of keeping it in good order no material being passed through it and that no repairs whatever to machinery be carried on and that no material or goods except spare machinery and/ or accessories be stored in the building.


It is agreed that any loss or damage to the insured property arising during any one period of seventy two (72) consecutive hours, caused by storm tempest flood or earthquake shall be deemed as a single event and therefore to constitute one occurrence with regard to the deductibles provided for herein.

For the purpose of the foregoing the commencement of any such seventy two (72) hours period shall be decided at the discretion of insured, it is being understood and agreed, however, that there shall be no overlapping in any two or more such seventy two (72) hours period in the event of damage occurring over a more extended period of time.


it is hereby expressly understood and agreed that in consideration of the payment of an additional premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damage to any generator, motor, transformer , and/or any other electrical machine and/or electrical installation except household appliances insured under item …….. of the schedule of the policy caused by short circuit or self heating subject to a deductible of 5% of the sum insured with a maximum of Rp. 50,000,000.00 any one accident.  However, this cover is inapplicable if the risk is covered under “Machinery Breakdown” or any other special policy. 


The insurance by this Policy relating to machinery and equipment extends to include telephone, gas, water and electric instruments, meters, piping, cabling and the like and accessories thereof including similar property in adjoining yards or roadways or underground all the property of the Insured or of suppliers or others for which the Insured are responsible provided their values are included in the sum insured.

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