Apa yang dijamin dalam Asuransi Recall Produk?

Asuransi Recall Produk (Penarikan Produk) menjamin biaya-biaya  bisnis yang terkait dengan penarikan produk dari pasar sebagai akibat dari pemicu atau risiko tertentu yang didefinisikan dalam polis. Recall Produk dapat dilakukan baik karena “paksaan” yang diperintahkan oleh badan pengawas yang berwenang atau pemerintah atau karena “sukarela” dilakukan atau diprakarsai oleh perusahaan itu sendiri karena ditemukan adanya suatu masalah dengan produk – dalam kedua kasus tersebut baik dilakukan karena “paksaan” maupun dilakukan secara “sukarela” keduanya memiliki potensi kerugian sangat besar bagi perusahaan.

Siapa yang butuh Asuransi Recall Produk?

Asuransi Recall Produk (Penarikan Produk) sangat penting bagi produsen, importir, distributor dan pengecer untuk hampir semua jenis produk yang beragam seperti makanan dan minuman, kosmetik, obat-obatan, tembakau, mainan, peralatan listrik dan bahkan termasuk kemasan-nya itu sendiri dan alat-alat atau perkakas.

Apa yang dijamin dalam Asuransi Recall Produk?

Asuransi Recall Produk (Penarikan Produk) biasanya menjamin biaya-biaya recall seperti biaya-biaya pemberitahuan ke pelanggan, biaya pengecer, biaya pengiriman dan biaya pembuangan atau pemusnahan ditambah biaya-biaya penggantian produk, gangguan usaha, biaya rehabilitasi merek dan biaya-biaya pembayaran terhadap pihak ketiga lainnya.

Asuransi Recall Produk (Penarikan Produk) juga dapat menjamin biaya-biaya pra-recall seperti biaya-biaya untuk analisis kimia atau pemeriksaan fisik produk, biaya konsultasi untuk membantu perusahaan dalam menanggapi recall, dan biaya-biaya lainnya yang wajar dan diperlukan untuk recall.

Asuransi Recall Produk (Penarikan Produk) umumnya terdiri dari :

Asuransi Kontaminasi Produk

Asuransi Kontaminasi Produk ini cocok untuk produsen, prosesor, distributor dan pengecer produk – produk yang bersifat dikonsumsi atau diserap atau digunakan oleh tubuh , seperti makanan, minuman, restoran, kosmetik, farmasi (OTC) dan tembakau.

Consumer Durables

Asuransi “Consumer Durables First Party” dirancang khusus untuk produsen, importir / eksportir, distributor dan pengecer produk non-konsumsi dan produk komponen. Contohnya termasuk / barang-barang elektronik, barang-barang rumah tangga, bahan bangunan, mainan dan komponen atau spare-parts.

Diterjemahkan dari original source oleh Imam MUSJAB

Original Source:



What is a Product Recall insurance ?

Product Recall insurance covers the business costs related to recalling a product from the market as a result of certain defined triggers. Product recalls can be involuntary when they are required by a regulatory agency or the government or they can be initiated by the company itself upon discovery of an issue with a product – in either case they have the potential to be extremely costly for a company.

Who needs Product Recall cover?

Product Recall insurance can be vital cover for manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers and covers products as diverse as food and drink, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, toys, electrical equipment and even packaging and tools.

What does Product Recall insurance cover?

Product Recall policies usually cover recall costs such as customer notification, retailer’s fees, shipping and disposal, plus product replacement, business interruption, brand rehabilitation expenses, and certain third party expenses.

Product recall Policies can also cover pre-recall expenses such as chemical analysis or physical examination of a product, consultancy costs for assisting the company in responding to the recall, and any other reasonable and necessary recall costs.

Product Recall consists of the following products:

Product Contamination insurance

Product Contamination cover is suitable for manufacturers, processors, distributors and retailers of topical and ingestible products, such as food, beverage, restaurants, cosmetics, pharmaceutical (OTC) and tobacco.

Consumer Durables 

Consumer Durables First Party Recall insurance is designed specifically to cover manufacturers, importers / exporters, distributors and retailers of non-consumable finished products and component parts. Examples include electronic / electrical items, home wares, building materials, toys and component parts. 

This site contains information about Australian product safety recalls

This is just an example that not even a simple textile product is immune from potential product liability claims

Best & Less—Underworks Men’s 5 Pk Business Socks – Assorted Pack

PRA number: 2015/14815
Date published: 14th July 2015

Product information

Product description

Underworks Men’s 5pk Business Crew Sock – Taupe/Grey/Brown colourways only

Identifying features


What are the defects?

The dye used in the manufacture of these socks may have contained hazardous azo-dyes.

What are the hazards?

Expert authorities classify these azo-colourants as carcinogens and recommend that exposure be limited.

Where the product was sold

  • Nationally

Traders who sold this product

Best & Less


Underworks Pty Ltd

Supplier’s web site


What should consumers do?

Consumers should stop using the product and return it for a full refund from the retail outlet where the product was purchased.

Original Source:



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has written 1869 stories on this site.

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